The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Joined 2006
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Well - I wuz in US Navy for awhile - so I know somethings about being ON de ocean.

Let me see - checking notebook from past.........
Notebook of dumb things I've done sez do not sit in Lotus position all day long on beach.
1) Beach sand wind up in places you would never guess - and keeps showing up for a few days despite how much - or what - you clean.
2) On Beach all day long = getting treated for sun-stroke - not good.
3) Sitting in Lotus position all day long will lock your legs into cross leg position and you have to sort of scoot around until you can find someone that will lift you up.
4) From that position one can discover secret under kilts......
Joined 2006
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now - it seems that we scared them all tonight


They are sitting at their computer screens frozen in amazement by our dumbness going on. Sort of like watching the "Alien" and the "Predator" having a contest.

The crowds are awaiting quietly - watching intently - as two masters of dumbness make move and counter move.

Now - it's your move next..... :mischiev:

OTOH - some people actually have a life and are out living it.


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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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I'm installing some dumb PC ( ya know - that job is also paying bills :clown: ) and posting here is easy - just clicketeclick on keyboard , to engage KVM switch ......

besides that - i don't like going out ( officially ) , and driving da bike is sort of poopoo , because it's dark and freezing - for both my 'ocks and nose

off course that I meant on my socks


I hope soon I'll be acclimatised on Winter , so evening drive will bring relaxation , not spasm in my legs
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Joined 2006
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I'm installing some dumb PC ( ya know - that job is also paying bills :clown: ) and posting here is easy - just clicketeclick on keyboard , to engage KVM switch ......

Odd time of day to be working for a living - but hey - whatever gets it done. You can use this dumbness as an example of internet places they should not visit.

Well - perhaps if they are really dumb - but not regular people. Especially if there are just coming into the Pub from the outside. I need to be careful when in the real world - and it's pretty dim over here in the dumb corner of the Pus so they should let their eyes get adjusted first. Not to mention getting a metal health note from their shrink as well. If they cannot obtain one I can make arrangements for them with newly discovered psycho pshrink sister.
Joined 2006
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just wait ..... when you reach my age ...... it will be old stuff even for you


I'm 49 y/o - that is my story and I'm sticking to it!!

Now you have me wondering where all the other dummies are at tonight. Of course it is the weekend - so many of the Pub fans are not at work and goofing off on their computers. Things always slow down on the weekend.
Joined 2006
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yeah .... usual Papapub resident have brain reminding on biological soup in pre-ocean ..... imagine that enormous mental activity on end of the week

Well - I only have two brain cells left. But both of them have gone through all of my battles and are survivors - so they are best of breed and pretty though.

When involved in battles of the brain that expend enormous metal activity some times it is best to sit back and let the others become exhausted by battling each other 1st


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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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I told ya !!

it seems that we are in some reallllllly baaaaaad SciFi trip !

they're all dead!

we ( c2c & ZM ) are sole survivors , and now we must find Beast with (more than ) 1000 fets to defence and , finally , kill that Beast with 1000 bjts , who killed all our friends last night !!!!!!!


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Now you have me wondering where all the other dummies are at tonight. ...Things always slow down on the weekend.

No no, I am here, just quiet ... You both are geat entertainment ...:cool:

I had a nice long bike trip yesterday ... Hours in the cold ...

Now I am sitting in lotus position in hot water tub, hoping that, one day, the thingies under the kilt will recover usual size ...


Thanks for nice email thommy ;)