Pirate music

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I'm sick of paying over the odds for my music so i've decided to start pirating it. :D


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Some one I know was doing a bit of pirating for a while....read almost more music then anyone needs....when one day someones daughter started a download of a Disney movie and didn't stop the bit torrent after the movie downloaded.....well soon after there was a letter in the mail from the cable company stating that Disney knew me by my IP address and saw the movie being uploaded from said computer, and wanted to prosecute me......The cable company to my surprise does not easily give away the person associated with a certain IP address. Well needless to say there is no more bit torrenting from my.... I mean my friends house....
diyAudio Editor
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Someone I know's son was in college and was downloading music-also more than he'd ever need. His roomate did the same on the friend's son's computer but didn't shut it off and it stayed on for 24 hours.

the RIAA's minion's- people they hired, then quickly downloaded a few THOUSAND songs of stuff FROM my um, the friend's sons computer (it goes both ways -"sharing") and claimed he was distributing pirated material which is much more serious than downloading.

The lad paid half the $5000 to settle with the RIAA, his dad the rest. OWWWW!

My lawyer friends said it was time to pay- the RIAA had a court date set up..

Now they've has stopped that I believe..
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With the RIAA/MPAA's bullying,I'm tempted to never pay for an album or movie again,unless the profits go DIRECTLY to the artist(s). The artists deserve better treatment than they get from the Record exec's,and those a-holes aren't getting another dime from me.

Unfortunatley either are the artists. Stealing music, yes your stealing it, means less good music is made. (And internet downloading is not comparable to recording someone elses record to tape, at least 1 in 5 had bought the record, not 1 in 5000). You will always have the pop crap like Gaga, but the little independent gems will start to disappear. If you love music, please buy at least some of it. Its one of the only ways to support musicians. If you dont love music, why are you stealing it?
I now buy CDs from a deleted stock outlet .. much cheaper than buying them when they first come out.

Some of the best music is from street musicians in my local town (Chester).
Pay them direct! Excellent jazz, folk, electric classics -- no GaGa or <rap though!

It is a new world and remember what they say about payback?

As others have mentioned, for computer music there is always youtube... for "real" music, it is harder to find but it is available.

Sorry, the money train is derailing and the "artists" will have to make money the old fashioned way--go on tour. Ya know, actually "perform" and I hear you can make money that way. Can't be a useless punk with no singing skills, have other people write the songs, massive processing build a "voice" for you and lip synch on tour much anymore...

The talented musical artists that are highly skilled with weather the change of operation quite well. The money is in the touring, the demand depends on your skills as a musician and that takes practice and work. If they get really popular, not hard to sell your music online directly to the consumer--what do you need a record company for?

The faster the "music companies" go bankrupt, the better it will be for actual music. If you like a band...go to their website and either buy a download, buy actual media (CD/DVD/USB flash drive) or both. Billboard is going away, what is #1 on Youtube this week?

In the history of musicians making money--thousands of years, it depended on actually performing the music with talent. The pre-recorded thing in retrospect, is still "new". Music won't go away if the music companies die off--it just changes back to the original concept.

Why should I give a fleeting care about some loser that can play 3 chords not getting zillions of dollars when a highly skilled concert pianist gets a fraction of what the "artist" gets and has been honing his craft for 30 years in concert halls?

Now to dump the cable companies, I'm getting sick of scanning through 10 sports channels, 5 "music" channels, 3 shopping channels, 4 news channels, Spanish channels, gay channels and women channels to see the 10 channels I actually want to see.
I "find" music whereever I can. If a friend and I trade "backups" of out music hard drives, good its more to discover. If I find something I like, I buy the CD. The CD then gets ripped to my music drive, and maybe gets borrowed. I watched most of the Youtube live stream of the Lollapalooza concert. I saw 5 bands that I liked enough to buy their CD's and one of the CD's I liked enough to buy again on vinyl. A friend at work liked one band enough to buy their CD. He would have never heard of them if someone didn't make a copy of their music first. If I "find" some MP3's that I like on the web, I will go buy the CD since MP3's sound rather annoying anyway.

I have been doing that ever since the days of copied 8 track's and cassettes. If all I had to find new music was the radio I wouldn't buy ANYTHING since I don't like what Clear Channel and the other radio conglomerates feed us.

Now to dump the cable companies, I'm getting sick of scanning through 10 sports channels, 5 "music" channels, 3 shopping channels, 4 news channels, Spanish channels, gay channels and women channels to see the 10 channels I actually want to see.

I cut that cord a year ago. Comcast used to charge me $70 per month for analog cable. Then they went digital which required renting converter boxes for each TV and making my PC based DVR useless. I made an antenna from two coat hangers and a muffler clamp. I get all of the Miami and West Palm Beach channels in HD with better picture than Comcast provides (no compression) but many are non English or otherwise useless.
Unfortunatley either are the artists. Stealing music, yes your stealing it, means less good music is made. (And internet downloading is not comparable to recording someone elses record to tape, at least 1 in 5 had bought the record, not 1 in 5000). You will always have the pop crap like Gaga, but the little independent gems will start to disappear. If you love music, please buy at least some of it. Its one of the only ways to support musicians. If you dont love music, why are you stealing it?

Its not stealing... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dowling_v._United_States_(1985)
I "find" music whereever I can. If a friend and I trade "backups" of out music hard drives, good its more to discover. If I find something I like, I buy the CD. The CD then gets ripped to my music drive, and maybe gets borrowed. I watched most of the Youtube live stream of the Lollapalooza concert. I saw 5 bands that I liked enough to buy their CD's and one of the CD's I liked enough to buy again on vinyl. A friend at work liked one band enough to buy their CD. He would have never heard of them if someone didn't make a copy of their music first. If I "find" some MP3's that I like on the web, I will go buy the CD since MP3's sound rather annoying anyway.

I have been doing that ever since the days of copied 8 track's and cassettes. If all I had to find new music was the radio I wouldn't buy ANYTHING since I don't like what Clear Channel and the other radio conglomerates feed us.

I cut that cord a year ago. Comcast used to charge me $70 per month for analog cable. Then they went digital which required renting converter boxes for each TV and making my PC based DVR useless. I made an antenna from two coat hangers and a muffler clamp. I get all of the Miami and West Palm Beach channels in HD with better picture than Comcast provides (no compression) but many are non English or otherwise useless.

When I was growing up we used to tape things from the FM stations and of course swap albums and tape them too. I loved music and fresh sounds, I never had the money to buy a fraction of what I owned, but still all my spare cash went into vinyl.

Nothing has changed, the only thing is the studios have tried to brand this as theft. They are the real villains IMO.

BTW, is it possible to copy onto vinyl?
Is that argument not based on semantics. I mean in your wording not the real meaning of the term. The supreme court argued it was a copyright infringement and not taking a physical thing, no stealing involved. Software is not a physical thing. And I think that ruling extends to software too since in that case one does not take a physical carrier and therefore one does not steal it. Mp3 files are also in no way like the original data stream, they do not even sound the same. So no stealing no crime. It is just a way to get to know stuff and be able to decide whether or not to buy the real thing to hold and cherish and in the case of software enjoy support. Not sure if the support enjoy part is to be taken serious as the internet is around all day every day. But that is just me, and no I do not pirate software, I like freeware which is mostly a lot less bloated. Also no mp3 to be found on my drives. EAC secure test and copy rips, now that is a different thing. Although I did pay for most of those years ago before I moved about three times and in the process lost all of my physical copies. New music might be nice, but modern recording I cannot stand so that is a no go for me.
I am also very partial to the argument performers need to make their money performing. If they are no good at that that is not my problem. Record companies are like a cartel, mafia you name the poison. Those kind of people will always find a way to screw other people over to make money.
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So no stealing no crime.

So in that case why not stop everyone buying software and music and see how much is then produced, zero !

I have written software over a period of 11 years and sell it. Who is going to pay for 11 years of my time ?

It really upsets me when people give software free. How am i supposed to compete with that and make a living ?
freeware is already here. Your model is not viable. Sorry.
not viable in the long run anyway, you were lucky or really really good.
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And I would not know how good you are as I cannot find out before I buy your software. Maybe I can download a crippled version I don´t know but that would not cut it for me. There are probably reviews and stuff but those are mostly nonsense in my experience.
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