John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Shorted inputs? Cables are certainly microphonic, but how about comparing a complete phono setup with cart down on a statioary LP.

That is another story.

Testing cables microphonics (in fact equipment too) can be interesting.

Turntables can be very microphonic.

My last turntable had a weight of nearly 40Kg, it's stand, sand filled was another 100Kg, I had a multilayer damping sort of platform weighting another 25Kg or so. The whole platform was string suspended.

The only possible path for microphonics where directly through the vinyl, which was clamped and all.

I still could easily get full acoustic feedback (very low frequency, due to the RIAA and the Arm resonance) with my corner loaded 15" Tannoys, but I would never listen at the levels this needed set on the volume control.

However, here we where before debating the microphonics of a Preamp.

Ciao T

hmmnn... and this only occurs in one direction??? methinks not

No, it is sniping both way.

However, try finding any thread that disintegrated into a objectivist vs. subjectivist that started with a subjectivist attacking objectivist positions.

Or show me one where objectivists debate their beloved measurements and a subjectivist butt's in sniping (me excluded, I have picked this tactic simply because someone needs to hold up the mirrors) rubbishing all that is debated with a "but it does not matter because I hear different" fell swoop?

The point is that there is a militant and puritan streak especially evident in some US based contributors that denies the validity of any position different to theirs and attempts anything to deny such opinions and positions to remain standing, but will do to suppress or at least discredit such. And these attempts do often take forms that certainly can be taken personal (in fact, they would often do Senator McCarthy and his Committee proud).

Do you really expect the other side to meekly take it all on their knees and ask forgiveness for their errors, like in a communist showtrial?

Now sticks and stones and all, but I can assure I do not take gentle to be pushed and if you push me, expect for me to not be like Gandhi, expect an echo, with amplification. I by far more subscribe to von Clausewitz on strategy and Robert Anthony Wilson on tactics, though I greatly admire Gandhiji.

I have always championed the view that different viewpoints and different world-views can co-exist and when engaged in honest exchange, can enrich both sides. In fact, as Sun Zsu said, "The wise man gains much benefit from his enemies, while the fool gains non from his friends.". I gain much benefit from those that constantly try to detract with obvious lack of grace and intelligence, I doubt they gained much from me...

Ciao T
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AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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Absolutely so! Yet so much here is but mere speculation; speculation on each tiny aspect of component - often without any reference to the circuits in which the praised or criticised components are to be used.

We all know that any chain is as strong as it's weakest link: JC and the other successful designers writing here attempt to cover all aspects in their designs by ensuring that each aspect of the design is executed as well as possible within the specification brief achieving thereby a chain of balanced strengths.

What worries me here is that there are so many "contributors" who are themselves supposedly well qualified and who demonstrate a heady mixture of talents, yet continually snipe at JC, TL etc. with such dedication that any normal reader would suspect that jealousy rather than valid criticism was their underlying motive. Thank goodness JC has enough sense to ignore most of this and that TL has the capability to take them down a peg or three. It is the lack of grace of some individuals which lets them down.

Valid criticism is one thing, but ongoing campaigns - bordering and even crossing over into the personal - are entirely another. A change of attitude from "what can I criticise" to "how can I advance this debate" is in order for some. IF there is a personal grievance then take into the private domain.

For many DIY audio is a pastime/hobby. Others have professional interests in audio and as such behave exceptionally well. But others have either been in the industry or wish they were and behave as dramatically and badly as any actor manqué.

EDIT: Jan - this is not directed at you.

What I regret is the clear censoring of valid questions.
Example: Designer X builds an amp case from Mid Italian Puzzuoli Marble and gets an A rating and sells like fresh BLT sandwiches. Designer X proceeds to pronounce that this proves that amp cases from Mid Italian Puzzuoli Marble improve the sound.

I think we all can see the fallacy of this reasoning. Coincidence is not causality. Yet when I ask a question or state an opinion about that, X and his groupies fall all over me as if I am about to torture, kill and maim X. Why? Maybe there is something about Mid Italian Puzzuoli Marble I'm not aware of. Or mayber designer X has no idea either, but then he can just say so, no?

What's the use of having all these high-powered people on-line if you can't ask a factual question without being cut down? Designer X could teach us so much, yet all he does is cloud the issues and and spread misinformation. I'm really getting sick of it.

jan didden

PS If your foot fits the shoe, it's probably yours.

What I regret is the clear censoring of valid questions.

A refusal to answer certain (parts of) questions may be a result of signed NDA's with stipulated penalties or a feeling that it encroaches on what one considers "bread & butter" stuff.

I had on several occasions outraged e-mails on how I could just so freely post the "inner secrets" of how stuff can be made to work properly from other designers and not just from a single one!!!

I think this will remain like this, until we live in an ideal communist society where all share freely all they have and all they know for the betterment of all.

In the meantime, would you personally like volunteer in a legally reliably binding way (mean putting up a sizeable cash bond) to pay my (and "Designer X's") legal fees and any penalties awarded and the loss of income in exchange for me freely answering your questions? I think 500K Euro should do as a cash bond, but I would have to double check to be sure of minimum amounts. I think the NDA from that DAC chip making company I cannot mention alone may need most of that.

I support the concept that information should be free, in both the sense of "free speech" and "free beer", but last time I went down to the Pub the Landlord had not yet heard of the "Free Beer"...

PS If your foot fits the shoe, it's probably yours.

This one seems to fit yours, I just wonder how that big hole got there...

Do you shoot yourself in the foot often?

Ciao T
AX tech editor
Joined 2002
Paid Member
A refusal to answer certain (parts of) questions may be a result of signed NDA's with stipulated penalties or a feeling that it encroaches on what one considers "bread & butter" stuff. [snip]Ciao T

You can just say that you don't answer the question. Not the same as attacking the questioner because he questions.
You DID read and understand my post, presumably?

jan didden
It seems to me that if you know something but you can't say (e.g. because of an NDA) then the wise thing is to do both of the following:
1. don't say what you know
2. don't say that you know something that you can't say

To do anything else is frustrating for the rest of us. It is not possible to have a fruitful conversation when some people claim to have superior knowledge, but then can't say what it is. It would be better to just keep quiet, and smile to yourself about the ignorance of others. This is, after all, a DIY site so I would expect people with commercial interests to only talk about things where they can talk freely and are happy to talk freely.

Regarding subjectivist vs objectivist arguments, I don't think we can simply assume that these are different planets. If someone is advising a newbie and says something which I believe to be untrue/daft, should I correct it or should I tell myself "That was a comment from the other planet. On that planet it is true."? Having said that, if a newbie gives me the impression that he is looking for advice from the other planet only then I will usually stay silent - hard though I find this. Sometimes I will admit to losing self-control and making a comment. Perhaps it would be better if people were clearer about what they are saying/asking: general claim/question or personal observation/recommendation?

You can just say that you don't answer the question.

I believe I do that. And I do think based on what I have read from John and Charles they answer to that point (and often past that) and when they do refuse they get beaten up for not telling...

Steve Eddy meanwhile demands that those who are not willing to give all they know for free (including stuff they signed NDA's for and are liable to penalties) should just shut up completely.

I will seriously consider his advise.

Ciao T
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