Happy Doomsday! :)

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As a non believer I am really doing my best to believe in this... so that the rest of human kind could finally continue in piece.

Ha, ha, check this out. While we are on the subject, free economy at it's best... :rolleyes:

Atheists offer to rescue Christians’ pets after judgment day | The Raw Story

Since we are on the public forum, to all dear friends and to anyone that is maybe in the group that is packing tonight, somehow I have a feeling that we might argue about my post on Monday... what's a life without humor? I have to say, and you will not read this twice, I will be really happy if I had a chance to argue with you on Monday. :)
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there was this "88 reasons why the world will end in 1988"......i have been been hearing these stories ever since i can remember....:D:D:D

over at my end, it is approximately 4 hours to doomsday.....:eek:

if you don't hear from me again..........but i am pretty sure you will hear from me again....;)
The nutcase that started this is Harold Camping, operator of the Familly Radio Network. He does not predict Doomsday tomorrow, he calls for the Rapture. Rapture is the event where true believers in Jesus Christ will be "beamed up" into heaven. This is the second coming of Jesus Christ as predicted in the Bible. He calls for the end of the world 6 months later.

The Bible also states that no man will know the time of the second coming. Mr Nutcase has made this prediction before and NOTHING HAPPENED.

I am a believer in Jesus Christ, but not in MR. NUTCASE, so I will be at the Dayton hamfest collecting goodies. If I am wrong and I get beamed up, there will be a Honda Element in the parking lot without an owner. There is a 5 KW RF amp in the back. Also a bunch of sweep tubes.


Agree with you, as a christian myself I don't take serious any of Harold Camping's predictions.

Well, Sunday this guy will done again some calculations and soon or later he will do new predictions. Seem that this guy did not read in the Bible the verses where it say that nobody know the date.


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Finally, if somebody at what elder, it more the numbers of the doomsdays, which he may know behind himself.
And nobody may know it, which one will be the last day.
There are few people who know it which one will be their last day.
Like my son was.:sad:
As a non believer I am really doing my best to believe in this... so that the rest of human kind could finally continue in piece.

I'm probably going to violate forum rules here, so will not be at all offended by any action taken by my moderator brethren...

I take Penn Jillette's attitude. “Well, you know, we’ve done heavy stuff. I mean, we’ve done the Vatican. We’ve done Mother Teresa. We’ve done the Dalai Lama. We’ve done really, really heavy subjects. And I’ve got to say it was actually a shock doing the show, the religious communities in the United States of America are the most tolerant people worldwide. I mean, we did really aggressive stuff we believe strongly, and mostly got letters from Christians and Catholics saying we really like how passionately and clearly you put out your ideas. Very few nut cases.”

Now, I am not Christian and, on the contrary, was raised in a culture that abhorred prosyletization and for which "If you keep that up, you're going to Catholic school!" was the greatest threat to give a child. Nonetheless, although I'm amused greatly by the antics of fringe Christian groups, my experience is that Christians on the whole are the most tolerant people on Earth. No one will try to kill me if I draw a funny picture of Jesus. Or if I laugh at fringe Christians who believe that they are going to float away today. Or if I keep a copy of the New Testament on a lower bookshelf next to a biography of Aleister Crowley.

Sorry for the diversion and the rules violation, but I just think this needs to be said.
Earlier doomsday


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In my church home group this week we all had a laugh when someone reminded us that a nutter had predicted the Second Coming for today. It wasn't the event we found funny, as that is standard Christian doctrine, but the date fixing. Which part of "like a thief in the night" does this guy not understand?

PS why are so many date fixers American? Is it something in your soil or water?
PS why are so many date fixers American? Is it something in your soil or water?
That's actually a really, really good question, and it has fascinated scholars of religious history for a hundred years.

The first Christians thought that the end of time was near upon them, and Diocletian gave them good reason to believe this! It was a horrible period for Jews and Proto-Christians what with the destruction of the temple, earthquakes and plagues.

The political history of the US is wound tightly with the religious movements of England and Scotland of the 16th and 17th centuries.
Joined 2006
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One of these days one of these predictions might be close to being the real thing. I expect to be long gone by then - but - keep your eyes peeled for giant asteroids - planet alignments - global warming and rising seas - ozone depletion - cell phones frying your noodles - bigfoot - UFO's - etc. Hmmmmm......... come to think of it - a couple of those things juz might get us.
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