Everyone has a favorite what's yours?

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TeaBag has some 1147s for sale... i could take them a level higher than TO's (mind you TO could bring his drivers to diyFEST and we could continue the tradition of diy event upgrades).


I saw TeaBag's sale. Not a bad price either. I've still got one pair of the "Blue Box" variety and another pair of the "Purple Box" type.

The Hi-Tweek Monitor uses, among other things, Dave's "Planet 10 Phase Plugs" which really helped the sound (pretty good to start with) ascend to the next level. I was an early adopter of the plugs and can't praise them enough for what they accomplished, but the idea of taking them to the "ultimate level" is certainly intriguing.

Best Regards,
I have in my posession, plans for a speaker that is believed by some, to be able to topple the CHR-Kens from their pedestal.

Reading your statement regarding the Alpair 7 Mar-Ken as the best small speaker money can buy, you may well be correct, as the "Hi-Tweek Black Box Nearfield Monitors" are not for sale.

Best Regards,
Hey Terry! You best be bringing those guys north this summer--!:D
Best, Don
Joined 2005
Paid Member
My favourite is a SEAS F8 in an open baffle.

OK, the bass is not great, for the time being I am running a subwoofer with them. But some day I will do something about that.... ;-)


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Joined 2001
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i've only heard one single-driver system and that's my Mar-Kel70 which is incredibly good for the price i've paid. It can get better, but not for the money i've spent.

Nik brings a good point.

There are a lot of good FR drivers out there. Priced from almost nothing up the territory where you have to weigh the options: "new car? new speakers? which one? And a growing number of options. None of us have heard everything. So a bit of context would be nice. What have you heard? What have you lived with? Which ones stand out? Outstanding for the money?

I've never even seen the FE208eSR. A rare & fabled driver. Love to hear a set sometime.

Almost all of my experience is drivers <$700 pair, the few experiences i've had with more expensive stuff has either been disappointing or sooo long ago...

Unfortunately, some high-priced driver manufacturers 'forget' to provide data on their own products. I suspect this may indicate at a reason for the disappointing performance. ;) We can take heart though. To paraphrase Sir Edward Reed (Chief Constructor of the Royal Navy 1863 - '70, and a fine scientist), fortunately, the peddlers of such wares are not numerous now, and ere long they will doubtless become altogether extinct.

I can't really pick any one favourite unfortunately -depends on the situation & requirements. :sad:


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Hey Terry! You best be bringing those guys north this summer--!:D
Best, Don

Hi Don,

It is my intention to have something worthwhile ready for the trip North to the frozen tundra of Vancouver Island. I've finished, well nearly anyway, my drywall/ painting project and only have some trim work around the windows, doors and etc., before I get my shop organized and can start on the "Secret Weapon Project!"

Best Regards,
Unfortunately, some high-priced driver manufacturers 'forget' to provide data on their own products. I suspect this may indicate at a reason for the disappointing performance. ;) We can take heart though. To paraphrase Sir Edward Reed (Chief Constructor of the Royal Navy 1863 - '70, and a fine scientist), fortunately, the peddlers of such wares are not numerous now, and ere long they will doubtless become altogether extinct.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~small snip~~~~~~~~~~


Your optimism is cheering, but IMHO... unwarranted.

I'm reminded of my youthful impression upon finishing Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, that I'd actually seen, in the living flesh, nearly every one of the characters he had written about.

Going back, perhaps a bit further, for some commentary on Politicians:

"Hark! Hark! The dogs do bark,
the beggars are coming to town!
Some in rags, some in tags.
And some in silken gowns!"

Extinct? I would say they're only in remission.

Best Regards,
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