magnet wire for stators

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hi all
just after some oppinions on which type of wire is best for wire stators and also what size in mm is optimol im thinking 3 to 5 mm

also what type of spacing is best alround for efficency and output again i seem to read that 3 to 5mm is fine ?

is normal magnet wires insulation suitable and what about normal cable like power wire is the insulation on this sufficent ?

one last question regarding air gap spacing ,what would be the best compromise for a full range panel

thanks in advance for any help regards sheafer
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hi mavric
i reakon my diy aleph 2 has it covered no worries

i have also got a diy aleph jx just about finnished as well

ive now changed my plans any way ,i have bought a full set of er audio acorn panels from er audio

i will recieve them this week and am thinking about using wire stators on them .rob from er audio says its doable if i can find the right wire ,he says 2mm is best with hv insulating varnish as insulation

That would be nice as soon as you can. I have had some personal injury that has put me out for quiet some time now. As far as what you are doing, a picture is worth a thousand words, and if you need help posting pics, let me know, the mods have made it rather simple. Mav

3-5mm would mean the possible peak-peak stroke of the diaphragm, hence the stator-stator distance.
The typical magnet wire is a one-layer coated copper wire which I´d use for testing. For a final design I´d use minimum a 2-layer coating. The best would of course be a corona-resistant coating, which normally is a 3-layer coating and which is fabricated only on demand (250kg min. order).

The wire need to be tested on cracks and failures after tensioning and straightening. But since the wire is intended to be wound on motor cores under quite a lot of pull- and bend-stress, the tensioning should not vreate many problems.
PVC-insulated copper wire is a cheap and proven-to-be-reliable alternative.
Audiostatic, Acoustat and others used and use this material successfully.
H07VU (~4mm diam.) and H05VU (~3mm diam.) and smaller are the european standards. There will be comparable american standards.
PVC is quite flexible, so it won´t break or crack when the wire is tensioned. It can easily be deinsulated (could be a problem with magnet wire) and its cheap and easy to source. The insulative layer is much thicker than magnet wire, which will give a bit -but nothing serious- lower efficiency. Besides black You can source a few different colors, while magnet wire mostly has a redish colour with brown, green or golden touch.
Comparing performance, price and sourcability the PVC-insulated wire is unbeaten.

hi all

no probs maveric i will start a build thread with pics ,i was hoping to get the acorn package today but it didnt arrive so fingers crossed for tommorow

hi calvin
so it seems the pvc wire will be a bit more forgiving then
my only problem with it for me is the thickness inc insulation

the acorn stators are 1mm thick so idealy to make it easy i would replace them with 1mm inc insulation wire which would keep my air gap the same

pianno wire is also a possibility but i would have to insulate it with hv varnish which i can get in a spray can ,im not sure how good it is though or how many layers it would take

the easyest would be some hard drawn copper wire in 1mm if i could find it
this would allow me to make frames the same size as the stators they are replacing which i could then get coated and just drop in to the air gap supports the same as the normal panel stators

regards sheafer
just my three cents, from what I understand, get a speaker, a regular speaker, stick the coil in the oven or just get it warm to the touch, unwind it and measure it. Alot of stereo or audio stores throw the old or used ones away, which for you would be free material. If the coil is brown, do not use it, if it still has the red protective glue, just be careful, that as i understand should be what you are looking for....insulated wire. correct?
hi mavric
i was thinking magnet wire but it would be hard to tension i rekon

ive just been looking at some 2mm hard drawn piano wire that would be nice
it comes in 900mm lenghts which is perfect ,its also straight too so would not need to be tensioned just sprayed with hv varnish

its pricey though 50 lengths is $60au and at a quik calc i would need 500 to do the 4x acorn panels so cost would be $600 smackers , too much to risk a stuffup so im not sure which way to go yet

i am open to suggestions but

regards sheafer
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Hi sheafer,

........welding rods ...............


What material ? Would the ones used for brass be good ? I'm thinking of corrosion of the stators if they are made of iron or alloys.

About using enamelled copper wire used for transformers ( magnet wire ) , you can remove enamel very easily using a stripping liquid that is available in the market. You need to be careful with it as like most solvents it's hazardous if used carelessly. I have used it and it gives a very clean copper conductor. No scraping at all.
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What material ? Would the ones used for brass be good ? I'm thinking of corrosion of the stators if they are made of iron or alloys.

About using enamelled copper wire used for transformers ( magnet wire ) , you can remove enamel very easily using a stripping liquid that is available in the market. You need to be careful with it as like most solvents it's hazardous if used carelessly. I have used it and it gives a very clean copper conductor. No scraping at all.
Why would not one use welding wire for MIG welders. Copper coated mild steel. Comes in bobbins. Can easily be straightened. Different diameters are on avail. Decent price.
hi all
great suggestions from every one
re the mig wire ,this would be the best price and work well but it would need some tension to use and get straight so a tension jig would still have to be used

re the 2mm welding rods ,these are perfect though are a little harder to get in longer lengths .i would need 900mm min ,i would also need some that could be soldered to for connection aside from that they look to be a good solution

i have also found some anti corona/insulating varnish in a spray pack from rs components it is rated at 40kv mm so is perfect for insulating stators

i still have not got my present from er audio yet ,fingers crossed for today so i can have a look at the frames and see if the wire stators will be easy or hard

regards sheafer
Hi sheafer,

I do not mean MigMag/Wig welding material - I mean the ones
you need for autogenous welding - here they are 1000mm long
and are available in different diameters.
If used - be shure that the glue (epoxy is good)
coverts more than half of the diameter at the support bars,
because the copper-plating is not galvanised,
so has not a very strong cohesion!

Good luck,
you will be suprised how wonderful the result will be!

Regards, Frank

actually its very easy but unfortuantely very time consuming to get wire perfectly straight.
Cut pieces of wire of desired+ length of the panel. Fix one end in a bench vise and the second in a drill chuck. Now turn back and forth several times under constant pull. There comes a sudden point where all kinks and bends straighten out. The result is a close to perfect straight piece of wire.
I tested that on a very(!) slightly tilted sheet of glass and sorted out any wire that didn´t roll down the sheet.
The advantage is, that the wire is very cheap and easy to source and that it features a reliable and constant in thickness insulative layer. I doubt that You can insulate rods with a varnish with the appropriate constancy and evenness of layer thickness and would strongly disadvise against experimenting with non-insulated stators at all!

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