Now I know why everybody is going to Class D - When will Nelson be forced?

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This is about to get "POLITICAL" a Bad Thing, I think

I won't comment myself but here is a quote from a paper to be found here:

Arctic warming goes with the floe « Watts Up With That?

On the 2nd of November 1922, The Washington Post published the following story: “Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish, and Icebergs Melt”. The corresponding report in the Monthly Weather Review of November 1922 (Ifft, 1922:589) had also stated that the ice conditions in the Northern North Atlantic were exceptional; in fact, so little ice has never before been noted.
Well, I will comment only to say such conditions have existed before and no blame was laid to anthroplogically caused global warming. The most notable period was that of the Medieval Warming Period during which they were growing wine grapes in Norway, grain as far North as the 70th parallell, and that was the period in which Greenland got its name. I fear there is a loss of judgement on the part of folk who are munching down at the trough of public funding - this is very bad for Science.
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Well, ice cores from glaciers in the northern and southern hemisphere tell a very different story. The data avaiable from these core extractions goes back 800 thousand years and we are currently experiencing the warmest period based on this information. In the last 60 years, the carbon content in the atmosphere has gone from 271ppm to >350ppm and the increase carbon going into the atmosphere has DOUBLED in the last 10 years. At the current rate, the atmospheric carbon content will hit 450ppm by 2050. The warm peiod in the middle ages was driven by a different mechanism - the current warming is driven by an increase in atmospheric carbon. If you want to see just how bad the problem is, take a look at the latest National Geographic - they have a nice graphic depiction near the front of the magazine.

I don't know about you, but in my books this is serious sh1t.

I agree, class D sucks. Class A above 10W will contribute to the problem above. So go for Class AB and save the planet.
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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Well, a major problem with energy is really that at certain times of day and night a lot more energy is produced than really needed
Their best solutions is to store this "waste" energy to pump up water, and use that water to pump turbines when needed again
Problem right now is that the very long energy transport isnt sufficiently dimensioned to do it

Another paradox is that an electro motor driven car polute just as much as any other normal car, as long as energy comes from common powerplants
And how many cars do you think it would take to polute as much as one single moped
In Germany theres quite a lot "waste" money iven to people who buy new better cars
But that means they have exstremely many "old" cars that arent really old at all, but quite fine cars, but now just waste

If I use say a Pass F5 in all of the cold winter months, it wouldnt surprice me if I actually would save money on that
You also need to think about the energy used to produce all the components that goes into any design, and all transport issues
Also consider whether its rebuildable, or just waste when burned or out of date
A tubeamp could last forever

This constant buy and throw away is far more worse
And this "panic" could really become much more dangerous
Dont forget that very many product that are advertised to save energy, arent really holding specs
Some clever people are just using these circumstances to make huge profit, and really only making things much worse
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Joined 2003
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I agree 100% with you Tinitus. This subject is much more complex than it seems at first. Just like the move to 'lead free' electronic components. The lead is out, but the solder joint takes much more energy to produce. Maybe that nice new Mercedes is 30% more fuelm efficient than the model from last year . . . but if it took 2 x the energy to produce maybe its not that good after all.

However, bottom line is we are generating too much energy from fossil fuels. Period.
The really messed up thing is, lead in circuit boards is illegal, but hunting with lead shot is still perfectly fine. Lead stays confined in the circuit board for decades, while lead shot once fired falls directly on the ground and starts to pollute. They sell it in 50 pound bags and one hunter can go through a bag in a season. How many circuit boards does it take to use up 50 pounds of lead?
I think most of us here don't put a lot of faith in spice simulations, in terms of absolute numbers they produce.
Now think how more complex it is to model the global environment. To make predictions based solely on CO2 emissions is almost rediculous.
That is like making predictions on amp performance based solely on bias current.
Meteorologists have trouble forecasting tommorrows weather, let alone what will happen in 30 to 50 years.
I am a scientist, and most of us don't know sh*t, so I wouldn't be putting too much faith in what you see on tv. The media like to scare the sh*t out of us so we will keep watching.

Anyway, I have nothing against trying to reduce CO2 emmissions.
We would probably be better off stopping deforrestation and planting new trees rather trying to limit everyones use of electricity, etc.

That is my 2c.
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How can anyone think that 6 billion people (and counting) burning fossil fuel dosnt effect the environment? The funny (sad) part is that nature dosnt care, it will evolve and recover (there have been many environmental traumas and mass extinctions in the past). Its the human race that will suffer. But go ahead and drive your hummers, use your class A, it will be your children or grandchildren that will have to pay.
Now I know why everybody is going to Class D - When will Nelson be forced?

By whom? Fascist stormtroopers?

However, bottom line is we are generating too much energy from fossil fuels. Period.

Fine. Then let's go to nuclear power plants like France has done.

Btw, I'm more committed to energy conservation than most. I heat my house with a geothermal heat pump. I return all my water back to the earth. But I will do all I can to prevent hucksters like Al Gore (did you know he's already made 100 million US dollars off the global warming scam? - follow the money), the number cooking charlatans at the UEA, or others who are trying to use the (Enron!) Cap and Tax legislation to bully and fleece the private citizen under the phony ruse of anthropogenic global warming when there's been over a decade of global cooling, no measurable sea level rises in the last hundred years and the best science says that the earth will warm by no more than 1 degree C in the next hundred years by which time the world'll be leaving carbon based energy production purely due to market forces.

Besides, 2.5 billion Chinese and Indians (that's 40% of the world's population) are giving HopenChangen a big fat middle finger and daring the warmingistas to do something about it. If they can tell when something's rotten in Denmark, maybe the rest of us should get a clue before the rest of us in the US and Europe are gang raped big time by the Socialist Warmingista control freaks.
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