My "audiophile" LM3886 approach

Hey Russ, are the boards still using 30mm main PSU caps?

I am haveing an awefully hard time getting better caps than the cheap Jamicons I have on in that size.

Do you reccon it would be OK to move the rectifier and 2 10000uf caps a few cm offboard, maybe to their own little PCBs? This would give me more options in terms of getting nice low ESR caps.
Nordic said:
Hey Russ, are the boards still using 30mm main PSU caps?

I am haveing an awefully hard time getting better caps than the cheap Jamicons I have on in that size.

Do you reccon it would be OK to move the rectifier and 2 10000uf caps a few cm offboard, maybe to their own little PCBs? This would give me more options in terms of getting nice low ESR caps.

Certainly, you can do that, but you will need to make sure you still either connect your transformer to the MyRef or create you own ~24VDC supply for the speaker protection circuit. Not using it is not a good option.

If you simply need some good 30mm caps we may be able to help you out. Thats a lot easier.

Russ White said:

If you simply need some good 30mm caps we may be able to help you out. Thats a lot easier....

Sure, what have you got.

In general and future use I just want to point out that there is a much nicer selection of 35mm and bigger caps out there.

I'm kinda thinking I should get another set and bi-amp my speakers, which would avoid me haveing to play with crossovers and L-pads to rectify my driver/tweeter missmatch.

Another question.. R1 and R4 are marked on the PCB as 1W, but on closer inspection I can see both those resistors have slightly browned, indicateing they must be reaching pretty high temps at that rateing. I saw on the TP site, the new stuffed board has 3W resistors there... something I will get before I put the boards into their new case.
I've just tackled this thread for the first time (2600+ posts :att'n: ) and I think that this is an amp I'd like to try. That is, when I've finished my present project, which has turned into a marathon, with as much ancient history attached... :rolleyes:

Has anyone who has built it given their listening impression? Right now I just don't have the time to read several thousand posts...

Is there also here a schematic and an overview of the features pertaining to the Rev C boards locked somewhere in the vaults of this thread?

Thanks people! :)
Just smile and build it... if you are ever going to build a chipamp, this is it... sure there are 1 or 2 newer developments, but all much more complicated... this one, is easy to construct, with inbuilt DC protection etc, wich are 99% of the time overlooked by new kitbuilders... just check this forum for the number of speakers that were killed by slips with chips. I'm afraid theres nothing a plain inverte or non invered chipamp can do this one can't sonicaly beat.
CarlosT said:

Hey, Ivan...this is a little over my head...learning here and can only contribute little bits of stuff here and there :D

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"Wowie wiewow"

I just powered up my rev C after an intensive monthlong overhaul and upgrade. Also found a massive noob error I made when building it initialy, which will attest to the robustness of the design

Had a standard inverted GC standing in in the meantime.

well I now have to retract my comments on the sound of the my-ref.... cause it is 10 times better than I thought. A lot less silver in the top end. Woods got more tree, violins omw. Can't wait to finish my aikido to use with this baby, I was so anxious to get a new amp lately, but I can listen to this for quite a while longer.
No Brian, I'm sure this is a once off...
had a 470nf cap in stead of the 1nf between the inverted and non inverted input of the lm3886.

Could'nt listen too much last night as it was too late.
But boy is it sounding nice this morning
Almost holographic concidering the horrible room my sound equipment is in.

Frikken hell its a good amp...
what do I need to do to organise some of those 10000uf caps you have... those are still Jamicons in mine...

Still spotted a few ceramics I didn't have anything better in the box to replace with, will order some more cog caps from santa for those. I still need to replace those 1k 1W resitors for something with more wattage... those are definately running too hot for 1W, even with alot of space underneath them and the diodes.

Spent alot of time swearing at the PCB though, the spaces we left for the .1uf caps were just too small to replace those with anything nice I have.

What are you using for those?

Listeing to Enya - Watermark at the moment - probably the best mastered CD I ever heard.... was also the very first CD I heard as a boy when CD's just came out.

Now that is one CD you can turn the volume open all the way, without hitting some bad recording level clips.
Nordic said:
" Can't wait to finish my aikido to use with this baby, I was so anxious to get a new amp lately, but I can listen to this for quite a while longer.

I did try the Aikido but even though it is a great preamp I still preferred passive preamplification.It is just more transparent.
There is just no way you are going to pass a signal thru a couple of valves ,resistors and caps and still retain its purity no matter how good.Preamplification is a necessary evil but to be avoided when circumstances allow.

By the way , what happenned to a couple of members that were about to try out the My Evolution a month or so ago?
I haven´t seen any feedback on this.
Last but not least, I finally got around to trying Exact Audio Copy.There is huge difference between the original cd and the eac copied cd in favour of the later.In fact iTunes copied cds with low speed 2x also have been sounding better than the original but EAC is even better and is as good (thru 24 chip non-os DDDAC)as my Linn Sondek/Denon 103 vinyl set-up.The original cds now sound hazy and confused.