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Ok folks, I hope this works!

This group buy is UK based for the heatsinks shown on the thread below. This is initially for expressions of interest, as the price will drop the more we get. The heatsinks are all black anodised, and in 200mm lengths to start. If we have more interest, I will add categories for other lengths, but I would prefer only in larger quantities to avoid the buy getting too messy.

More info to follow.

# user IDLocation QuantitiesComments
1 pinkmouseUK4Organiser
2 MatthUK8
3 Mutley666UK2
4 405manUK4
5 johnmUK2
6 ayoshakUK2
7 tongaUK2
10 405manUK4
11 RAndyB?UK2
user IDCountry Code0
Total UK32
8 lpm76denmark4