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Pulley GB

Pulleys for Mark Kelly's Motor Controller/Motor Group Buy

Status: The machinist in California elected to back out of the arrangement leaving no choice but to refund your payments.

Discussion (

Timing: PayPal advises that it will take 3-4 days to move funds from my personal account back to the PayPal account. If you have any questions about exactly what is going on or why this happened, do not hesitate to e-mail me privately - Seth Hensel.

DIY User Name# of PulleysPayPal Invoice SentPaidRefund Sent
John2 1 Yes Yes Yes 6.29.06
hov 1 Yes Yes Yes 6.29.06
bas horneman 1 Yes Yes Yes 6.29.06
superhkm 2 Yes Yes Yes 6.29.06
seth hensel 2 Yes Yes Yes 6.29.06
astro nut 2 Yes Yes Yes 6.29.06
tmegaard 1 Yes Yes Yes 6.29.06
mjounot 1 Yes Yes Yes 6.29.06
Sean M. 1 Yes Yes Yes 6.29.06
Cwise 2 Yes Yes Yes 6.29.06