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First Watt F5 Clone PCB GB


Info Section

Copyright Nelson Pass

He takes all the credit if you like the circuit - and I must agree with him it sounds terrific. ;)
The GB has been approved by Nelson Pass.

I have made a little guide, to keep useful info one place:

I'll update it if someone thinks it needs additional sections/info/trick descriptions.

Ordering Info

Prices are:
Two F5 boards for one stereo set : $15 or 11euro
One PSU board for stereo set: $15 or 11euro
Postage: $10 or 7.5euro

Please use my site for ordering:

F5 Boards

The board is 10x5 cm and the mosfets are placed 8 cm apart.

PSU Boards

These boards will be 18x8 cm and capable of holding 35mm diameter snap-ins.

Got a question about components for the PSU (Post #104)

The layout I have made here is for the standard firstwatt style psu. So you'll need:

8 x snap in caps (at least 25V and 15mF more is better)
8 x 0.47 ohm 3W resistors
2 x 2.2k 3W resistors (for discharging caps)

Off board / somewhere else:
2 diode bridges mounted somewhere on the chassis
1 toroid 2x18 300VA
1-2 thermistors for soft starting the toroid
switches, connectors, fuses and all that stuff

This will be enough for a stereo amp or a monoblock, but remember diy people always want to go over the top.

PCB Process

Layers Two layers
Copper 70um
Color Blue