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2nd Schuro-Reichelt Group Buy

2nd Schuro-Reichelt Group Buy WIKI

For UK orders refer to the other WIKI, they are coordinated by jonclancy (thanks!)

You can make a pre-order in this WIKI by writing your name and the number of items you need in the opposite spaces, like this:

Item X, Reichelt (or Schuro), Euro /pc

Andypairo, 10
John Doe , 2

Please note that:

  • I�m not making any money on that, just giving the other members (and myself) the possibility to buy some components at good prices.

  • The Schuro part of the order will be made by another member, krishu, who agreed helping us sending the packet to me after he received it, so the cost of this extra passage will be shared between the Schuro buyers.

  • Since payment has to be done at the order and since this order can get quite big I have to request anticipate payment; the method of payment can be either Paypal (please add 4% for the fees that Paypal requests) or bank transfer.

  • The items come from at least 2 different places and might take some time to have everything. I�ll keep you informed of what�s happening but I have not the power to speed up the postal service.

  • All the UK orders will be forwarded to jonclancy (but to be safe, place your order on the other WIKI if you are in the UK), the others will receive a maxibrief directly from me.

  • Don�t send money until requested to do so, shipping charges have to be calculated on weight/destination basis.

  • My time is free but packaging material not. I�ll try to use bubbled envelopes (Jiffy, MailLite? etc) since they don�t cost much and sending them is much cheaper than sending a packet, but if the weight exceeds 2kg I must send a packet.

IRFP240 - 1.35

Joe Bloggs 0
John Smith 0

Total Number is 0

IRFP9240 - 1.60

Joe Bloggs 0
John Smith 0

Total Number is 0

IRFP044N - 1.20

Joe Bloggs 0
John Smith 0

Total Number is 0

IRF9610 - 0.50

Joe Bloggs 0
John Smith 0

Total Number is 0

TDA1543N (for all the NONOS DACs) - 0.75

Joe Bloggs 0
John Smith 0
cjunk 4
calimero 4
rothko 4

Total Number is 12

TDA1541A (for all the NONOS DACs)(Reichelt) - 6.75

Calimero 1

Total Number is 1

CS8412CP - 16.20 (probably cheaper source available, Elib 12 US$)

Joe Bloggs 0
John Smith 0
cjunk 1

Total Number is 1

TDA1545 - TBN (From Elib, 1.50)

Andypairo 4
John Smith 0

Total Number is 4

SA1085(Reichelt) - 0.43

Calimero 6
Total Number is 6

2SA1085E(Schuro) - 0.40

Calimero 6
Total Number is 6

2SC2547E (Schuro) - 0.38

Calimero 6
Total Number is 6

BC547C (Reichelt) - 0.03

Calimero 12
Total Number is 12

LM334 T092(Reichelt) - 0.90

Calimero 12
Total Number is 12

TL431CLP T092 (Schuro) - 0.23

Calimero 20
Total Number is 20

LM317T - T0220 (Schuro) - 0.61

Calimero 6
Total Number is 6

LM337T - TO220 (Schuro) - 0.87

Calimero 3
Total Number is 3

BUF634T - TO220 (Schuro) - 6,52

Calimero 2
Total Number is 2

2SK389 - 1.79 (Schuro, 10+ 1.50)

Joe Bloggs 0
Andypairo 20
Raka 20
Cobra2 10
rothko 2

Total Number is 52

BC560C - TBN

Joe Bloggs 0
John Smith 0

WIMA MKP10 0.1uF /250V - 0,504 DM (yes, price list still in DM)(Schuro)

Andypairo 30
John Smith 0
Calimero 20

Total Number is 50

WIMA MKS 4 2,2 UF-63 V 1,112 DM (yes, price list still in DM)(Schuro)

Andypairo 4
John Smith 0

Total Number is 4

WIMA MKS4-100V 10uF-

Raka 20
rothko 4

Total Number is 24

WIMA MKS4-100V 22uF -

Raka 4

Total Number is 4

WIMA MKS2-63V 1uF 0.58 DM (yes, price list still in DM)(Schuro)

Bricolo 20

Total number is 20

WIMA MKP10-160V 1uF 1.517 DM (yes, price list still in DM)(Schuro)

Bricolo 5

Total number is 5

Vishay-Dale CMF-55 1.24kR 0.55�(Schuro)

Bricolo 4

Total number is 4

2SK170 - 0.47 (Reichelt)

Raka 20

Total Number is 20

2SK369 - 0.84 (Reichelt)

CheffDeGaar? 20

Total Number is 20

LM336Z5,0 - 0.35 (Reichelt)

CheffDeGaar? 20

Total Number is 20

V-RKT-MS-SW 300.25 (Schuro)

Bas Horneman (Netherlands)(Paypal ok?) 3

Total Number is 3

Elso, various parts, please see my email.