Yet another Planar Magnetic Line Source, the SMAPPP

I hope that I got it right this time.
There's a constant force up or down (B,n) and most uneven usable force (B,t).
I still doesn't see the benefit of this configuration.
Yeah, it sure doesn't look promising based on your model results. It has been 25 years since I saw a pair of LFT-8s in person. The front and back magnetic channels were definitely staggered (3 in front, 4 in back) and really confused me as to how the magnetic field must look in the plane of the diaphragm. Here are some pics from archive showing position of front and rear channels of magnets and the voice coil pattern.

EMT_LFT8_Frnt-Bck_Channels.png EMT-lft-8b-front.jpg

Speaking of channels...I guess you still need to add the ferrous metal channels around each of the magnets and I'm guessing the back plates you currently have should be removed or made non-ferrous. This would bring S magnetic pole around and position it along side the N pole on top and vice versa on bottom. Perhaps that is key in getting the improvement in field uniformity the patent describes.
Do you also cut long membranes using the Silhouette Cameo roll feeder, that is, using non standard cutting mats?

Do you prevent the cutter to travel back and forth for every vertical cut?
I used A4 sheets of plastic and made some with 2 A4 sheets taped to one piece app 210x600 mm
I made AMT diaphragm´s
I changed size of cutting board like this:
Well, that's the method that I'm using:
MWSnap737 2024-06-06, 14_57_52.jpg

But even for this short 305 mm test membrane the cut is ruined because of the media is going back and forth all the way.
At full lenght, 2400 mm, this will be a disaster.
Disclaimer: I haven't tested this myself yet!

Inkscape seems to have a silhouette cameo plugin ( for which the topmost feature is:
  • Path sorting for monotonic cut. We limit backwards movement to only a few millimeters, and make the knive pull only towards sharp corners so that most designs can be done without a cutting mat!
If it means what I hope it means then it sounds like it would be useful when cutting very long traces.
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