PAM8610: Same part number, different parts

I’m using the PAM8610 breakout boards in an application where I rely on the “ramp-up/ramp-down” volume when the MUTE pin is used with the FADE pin tied low. I‘ve used over 20 of these boards with great success. I went to purchase more of these boards, and I’ve found that there are new versions of the PAM8610 IC with a subset of features, fewer pins in a smaller package, and yet they are still marked PAM8610. The new devices have 32 pins, whereas the original has 40. I suspect that the new devices are in fact PAM8006A—which is similar to the PAM 8610, but without the volume control and the FADE feature that I need in my application. In the photo below, the left-hand board is the original, the middle board I purchased from Amazon, and the right hand board I purchased from eBay. The left board has the 6mm square 40 pin package while the other two have the newer 5mm square, 32 pin packages.

The new boards do not have the FADE feature—they just snap from full volume to zero and back when the mute pin is toggled.

Current versions of the data sheet for the PAM8610 are marked “Not recommended for new design, use PAM8006A”. I’d like to purchase some of the old boards before they are totally gone.

The PAM8610 seems to have quite a following on this forum. Have others encountered this issue? Is there a source of supply for the original board? How can I ensure that the vendor is selling the old board when the parts are labeled with the same part number?

Joined 2015
Paid Member
Hi JerH, sorry to read this. Rather than telling you my positive experience with this seller I should have started by the beginning : look for the part at a legit reseller !

There are more than 2000 PAM8610 available at LCSC :

Making your own pcb could be a solution to this supply issue. PAM8610 is 'Not Recommended for New Design' it may become unavailable soon.