Acoustic Elegance Speakers

I use the TD15S in 170ltr tuned to 30hz for mid 20s in room. I cross at 700hzish for smooth off access. I power them with 1980 Technics or mid 90s Ashly amps for excellent musical enjoyment.

IT's hard to get mid 20s in room without EQ at 93-94db. I only know of a few other devices that'll workout in that sweet spot.

I have no plan to replace them. They do the job very well.
If you like clean and no nonsense type of sound, AE is a good choice.

Altec has better harmonics and texture, while my favourite is FaitalPro which combines a low distortion type of sound with little bit of musicality presentation.

Hello Henry.
Any particular 8" FaitalPro you like as dedicated midrange, from 350 to 2000Hz? High sensitivity and impedance preferred as will be driven by 2A3.
Hi everyone

I would like to ask you about Acoustic Elegance speakers. I live in Poland, where there are neither no dealer of these drivers, nor hardly anyone heard them. That's why I decided to ask here - someone would probably be able to help.
AE Speakers claims that they produce the best woofers in the world (ok ;-) ) and that their drivers are characterized by the lowest distortions of all. However, comparing with other drivers, it seems to be not entirely true, because in the low tone range (<100Hz) the competition from the pro segment is usually better. You can check it here:
1) 12" - drivervault
2) 15" - drivervault
Not mentioning about, eg. Revelator, or Illuminator series from Scan Speak, whose are even better.
Can you tell me how do they handle compared to the best drivers from "audiophile" manufacturers, like Scan Speak, Accuton, Focal, etc? Are they really that good? Is it worth to try?

Best regards
If you look at the loudspeaker database, and sort all results by Fs, the first driver (which is not simply a passive radiator) isΩ with an Fs of 16 Hz and a totally flat frequency response curve.
I have this in my car and it is absolutely brilliant.
I use the TD15M woofers. They are super tight and the best I’ve ever used and that is 50 years of being an active builder.