Yet another Volume controlers and source selections

Maybe someone that had the source code for the TDA7439 and encoder written in Bascom?

I do have source code for this but as many source code i do not share them anymore

Why do i not share this code ?
if you look at ebay for audio setup like this they add the code to there controller
we dont get any fee or any credits for the work .

i see that lern rc5 and edit text is added to there china projects and sold via ebay , the code is mine :(

But if you need any help (HEX file) I'll try to make it for you

I don't want this for sold I want for my self
You can trust me I not share with this code
I promise this only for my preamp
If you can send on
Problem is; source code always finds it's way into the wrong, unscrupulous hands. Especially now that anything can be sent around the world in a split second, and it proliferates worse than do fruit flies. :)
Hello Kulamario,

My suggestion is to start your own thread using your design (parts) and write your own code. If some existing code is available use it, learn from it and build on it.
Another suggestion is to learn BASCOM-AVR, as I did, it is not that difficult to learn and is very rewarding. If you have issues with your BASCOM-AVR code, you can post it on the MCS Electronics forum and a world of users, like myself and Kim, will probably be able to help you out. Coding for a TDA7439 is not that difficult as I just looked over the spec.
Also, Elektor has many projects that use Atmel MCU's, they make the firmware available for free download, look over similar designs and that is a great place to start.
I started my quest using a Sparkfun xmega100 break out board, so if you choose that platform, I can certainly help you with code and design. I chose this platform over, say a Arduino, as I want to use a xmega processor and did not like the convoluted way in which Arduino operates, but that is only my opinion.

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Hi people, I have read through a large part of this thread and am very interested in buying one of these attenuators. There are plenty of them on eBay but are they rip-offs of this design thread ? Is there a honourable source to get a cheap assembled or diy kit ?

You can allways breadboard a circuit to keep low the price .Every circuit form this thread with his firmware will do the trick , including if you want to breadboard atmega8515 and PGA2310 circuit that Kim (FarmTech) show it to you.
But for the one that seems to have a rough time in make a circuit from this thread I will come with something new :buy one cheap Arduino mini pro arduino mini pro | eBay
or a little more money
and I will modify all the programs in Bascom in this thread to work on this board :
- alps motor volume control
- PGA2310 volume control
and I will post how to do this for the one that are lazy in making his own board or bread board .
Stay tuned for the next episode that will come .
Of course remember that you need also an programmer supported by Bascom and to download and install the free version of Bascom on your PC for the purpose of programming the firmware on the little board.


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Ardu alps control

Here you find the promised control for any motor volume with Arduino mini pro .Schematics and firmware also some hints about how to breadboard the whole construction.
I have use a breadboard for 3 relay that select input . This will be used also for PGA2310 selection of input.


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Hey kim

sorry to hear but the the code thieves... anyways the code you made for me TDA7439 works fine till day... i m enjoying and thank you very much.. though i feel i should have listened to you back then of keeping Gain in eeprom so at power on i dont have to re set ... which i now realized... :p, else everything is fine...

works keeping really busy i m coming back like midnight if not earlier ... its not good , i have miss my old days... chatting with you guys on diy, and on kim's chat portal,,, one more thing some how Bit defender is giving some warnings for your page ,, have look when you get time...

hope to chat up soon tc... till then

hey kim how are the Cats...

I am planning to build a stereo preamplifier with volume and tone controls (optional), with an option for remote control. The main objective of the project is to get good quality audio preamplifier with remote feature, and at the same time to learn about I2C or other serial communication and microcontroller programming and interfacing.

Could you please suggest what are the good options to use for digitally controlled analog preamplifier?

Can we use a good opamp based preamp with volume and tone controls and replace analog potentiometers with digital pots and control them from microcontroller? will it give same quality as the good quality analog potentiometer?

thanks and regards
S Sarath
Some "digital" controllers use actual resistors as the signal attenuators.
It's just the control switching that is done digitally.
Then we have some that suggest that resistors are not the best way to attenuate the signal. Read the posts of LED/LDR proponents, many of whom suggest that CdS is the bees knees for signal attenuation.
jFETs make good resistors when controlled appropriately
and they make good switches.