XSim free crossover designer

Hi Bill (bwaslo)

Super nice program, and free :) .... thanks :) :up: :up: :up:

If I should vote for one additional function, it would be the target curves, just starting out with Butterworth and Linkwitz Riley, up to 4. order would be enough to suit most I think.

Second wish, would be an optimizer function both for Freq and imp.

Keep up this super work.

Best regards Baldin
Yes, all you need is the impedance file of the speaker and assign that to a driver which you connect directly to the signal source. Look at the "system impedance" while you put other stuff across the amplifier terminals. If you get the impedance more or less flat (without making it too low), that will remove the effects of using a power amplifier with low damping factor or high output impedance. Such as a lot of tube amps.

If you can get one of the "woofer tester" devices (WT2, WT3, DATS) then getting impedance curve data is easy. You do have to have the PHASE of the impedance curve, as well as the magnitude (Ohms), I still need to add an option to generate the impedance phase from the magnitude curves.

I haven't done much development on XSim for a while, as it didn't get as much attention as I expected, which reduced prospects for making it an income source! (I had planned to charge suppliers to have their components and speaker driver data included so people could design and automatically make parts lists to order).
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Is it a help looking into the format in attached file, that file belong a TC9FD driver in free air exported from DATS as dot zma file and works flawless in XSim. To handle the attached file download it and rename extension .txt to .zma. Another possibility is try measure driver from free REW and export from there, never tried because have a DATS device but can report REW is gladly importing my DATS files.

Great thanks the program it's really educating for a amateur as me, very interesting on the fly seeing textbook filters fall apart when binding zma and frd files (bandpass) to the build in wideband perfect drivers, and genious as trimming right component values for inductance and resonance compensation networks.
Sorry you didn't get attention from suppliers, for info personally could be interested if you think about binding a license fee for future developed version.


  • TC9FD.txt
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I haven't done much development on XSim for a while, as it didn't get as much attention as I expected, which reduced prospects for making it an income source! (I had planned to charge suppliers to have their components and speaker driver data included so people could design and automatically make parts lists to order).

This is a completely genius idea. I honestly don't know who is buying all of these raw loudspeaker drivers without having manufacturers provide FRD and ZMA and without data like harmonic distortion sweeps. It seems like Zaph and others have desperately tried to fill this data gap for the diy community, but any manufacturers who would just provide this data I expect would see a lot of community support that would translate into sales. I'm also really surprised you don't see a lot of quality designs coming from driver manufacturers.
I haven't done much development on XSim for a while, as it didn't get as much attention as I expected, which reduced prospects for making it an income source! (I had planned to charge suppliers to have their components and speaker driver data included so people could design and automatically make parts lists to order).

You might try Visaton or Wavecor too bad PE and Madisound didn't go for it.
Well, they didn't turn me down on it, but the rather low number of XSim adopters doesn't give me much to pitch it to any companies with. I can't make a case that it would result in a lot of sales increase for them. I thought it might get more people into DIY speaker building, but not much of that appears to have happened. It is probably too techy to interest most newbies, I guess...
Give me a week doing some tests will get back with data that particular test box setup and TC9FD linked frd and zma files, 4 Vifa and some foam arrived today from Europe Audio.


  • Vifa.jpg
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Hi Bill

Sorry to hear that you are maybe not going to continue the development of XSim.
To me it could be a very valuable alternative to LSPcad (which I think is way to expensive to private use), but it needs a littel further development to be that.

What about using Kickstarter to raise a bit of funding for this project?
Would be happy to donate something to make it a little more worth your while.

A tool like this will always be usefull / attractive to a limited number of geeks like us, so it will be difficult to earn something real of it I think.

But then earn some street credit instead .... you deserve it :)
Keep it up
Bill, thanks for sharing your good work with the rest of us.

I think this is a great free addition to the tool box. What would make it perfect would be the ability to overlay multiple speaker FRDs at once, so you can see the response from multiple angles in one view. I'm not aware of any free simulator that does this and its so very important in crossover design.

I still revert to my ancient (25yrs old) copy of CALSOD (dos!) for this feature. I think it'd be a real coup if this had that (getting greedy here)

Thanks again,

Joined 2004
Paid Member
I had planned to charge suppliers to have their components and speaker driver data included so people could design and automatically make parts lists to order.
It's a Catch 22. To make the software popular the large driver database is needed. But to make the database worth contributing to, the software needs a large user base. :xeye:

I hope that it can stay alive. It's a very nice piece of software that I enjoy using. IMO it's the best, most useful crossover designer around.