With one makes more sound!

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Ya know, It's almost funny to think..about anyone around here with louder sound than I (once) had.....all have it in the trunks of their fast and furious yet nitrousless cars.

I think one argument for doing that....is alot like yours Carlos for not doing it. Put a thousand Watts of audio power in your car, then when you want to hear it you can just jump in and drive it far away from your would be assassins...but it's just not the same is it?

I think anyone building that kind of power into a car....the kind when they have to stand outside of it to listen to...because the SPL level would stop your heart...well....to each their own....eh?
Not a market for anyone to ignore though, for it's the one with the most money and the least brains. If the specifications or the
reviews claim one components advantage over some other, they'll proudly tell you they paid the most for their system.

Just to think a little bit more.

All the countries believes that your house is alike your castle, cannot go in without invitations.

If the police tried to enter your house, they must have an order signed by one judge, if not, they will be outside!

If no one can enter, nor police, nor human beeing, when you do not want.

How can your sound enter other one house, wake up him if he sick or sleeping at dayligth, or stopping some conversations, or putting more nervous in discussion, or making difficult to study, to read, to be in peace, disturbing small home animal and entering the "castle" without permission?

In my way of understanding, this is something alike invasion of my privacity, my rigth to silence, to hear my television, my radio, to talk with my kids... in my neurotic way of think...this is WAR!!!

My neighboors is always visited when goes up.... not reducing, i will wait them in garage...no one can see what happens there...if someone (me also) appear with some hurt, not testimony, no problems with police (here, cannot punch no one, if do that, jail!)

My message to them is clear.... reduce it or i will punch your nose!

Of course always people avoid those uses, i avoid too

But if you go there once, no result, you go twice, no result!... and you go three times, no result!... and you call building administrations, no result!, and you call Police...no result!... now you decide to be disturbed all time, or, when the one decides to put volume up...or do something.

Do something can be waiting him in a garage, where only cars stays, checking first if someone is inside cars and covering cameras with cloth (recording safe system)... and if you do that, must be advised of the return law.... if the one decides, can pay killer to make you disappear.... doing those things, normally people informs whole family what is happening, and them, if you disappear, your family moves to unknown place, without rent a moving service, do it yourself.... this way, your family will search the one family, one by one... could you understand.... when the local culture is this one, must be carefull.

But you travell 1000 kilometers and culture is different, we have a lot of countries inside one.... We have german towns, people talk German and Portuguese and we leave with peace, no strikes, no figth, no one put sound high, if do that, all neighboors go together and order him to reduce, no one ask killers, no fight with hands and police not corrupted and better paid.

Travell more 2000 kilometers North will never face those problems, people inside jungle has no neighboors and no electricity to make big sound.

We are peacefull, but some places have some different rules, this way must know and be care of it.... in my born Town, Rio de Janeiro, a lot of young guys died every day, maybe 2000 a year.... not all people, normally fight between trafic of drugs...in south of this country, dead reduced to 100 a year, because running with their cars, raccing in streets, in my place, yesterday, some United Nations papers came to us, my place the most violent place on this entire country, 3900 people murder each year, 40 percent of them young boys at less than 18 years old.. this is what the main channel television inform us, about a international research results... this way, worst than some war you have here or there... problem, not good schools, not one culture, we have a lot of ideas different, because different people, here Holland, there German... more distant Italian.... and Chinese over there, in the field best fruit producer are Japanese, somewhere in Northeast flower producer are Holland people, more at North North American and Brazilian big producers of fruit Juices to exportation... and a lot of differences... alike your country and States, Alaska, Mexico.... and think about Europe, a lot of little countries, most of them smaller than one state here... and big differences in ideas, culture and way to leave.

We are peacefull, do not like discussions, because when starting... the end will be terrible, do not like to figth, because if start when finish, one will be very damage... thats the strange way.... good, but not completely.

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