Wiki down?

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This is getting embarrasing! How hard can it be? Was this foreseen and calculated with which would make it even worse (credentiability). Fix this now even if it would cost a buck... To bad it wasn't the ability to show Ads that went down...

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Joined 2000
Paid Member
Hello Jason,

This is this URL :

Thank you very much in advance! :)


I'm very sorry for the delay. I went away for a week for a festival and this job vanished from my plate. Apologies. Please find the source of the post here:

Frex, the December 11, 2015.


This is the pre-inscription list for a group buy of the project named EPSUX3V2.

A short video presentation of the PSU at work is available HERE.

The main thread of this project is HERE.
You can post on this thread for any technical question.

For question about the group-buy please use the link of the dedicated thread
of the group-buy HERE.

The group buy is about only these parts :
  • EPSUX3REGV1 combo regulator 4 layers circuit board (x3)
  • EPSUX3V3 panel with main board and front board, 4 layers (x1)
  • Front and rear color professional Lexan panels
  • LT3081ER linear voltage regulators x6
| class="tcat" | Description || class="tcat" | Price € ||
| EPSUX3REGV1 printed circuit board x3 || 26 € ||
| EPSUX3V3 printed circuit board || 43 € ||
| Lexan front + rear panel || 36 € ||
| LT3081ER linear regulator (for EPSUX3REGV1) x6 . || 25 € ||
| Shipping (worldwide in priority letter) || 6 € ||
| TOTAL COST || 135 € ||

I will only accept Paypal payments. The price include all fees and shipping using a priority letter.

The price list above is only available if the group buy reach 25 orders.
Below this, i reserve the right to cancel the group buy.

You need also to purchase all electronics part and enclosure to fully build the project.
The total cost of other parts is 360€ (from Mouser, price from 11-12-2015).

So, the total project price is about 500 €.

The project include a Altera CPLD (5M1270) with the embedded software
of the PSU. This parts need to be programmed,
and to do that you simply need an USB Blaster from Altera (~15€ on Ebay).

If many DIYers are interested about, i will also offer to provide the main
PSU board with the CPLD soldered and programmed (price has to be defined).

I will complete this wiki soon and add some informations
as projects progress.

You can download at bottom of this page some project files as :
  • Full schematics of each board.
  • Preview manual of the PSU with detailed operation and specifications.
  • Full bill of material.
This is a pre-subscribe page, for order on the first quarter of 2016.

If you are interested to join th group buy list, simply add you name (pseudo),
location and wanted kit quantity in the table below.

| class="tcat" | Name || class="tcat" | PCB Qty || class="tcat" | Location ||
| Turbon || 1 || Sweden ||
| duster1 || 1 || Estonia ||
| nanonymous|| 1 || Germany||
| Fabian85|| 1 || Germany||
| Spirtos|| 1 || Greece||
| Jaac|| 1 || Netherlands||
| jcga|| 1 || France||
| ccliu|| 1 || Taiwan||
| cddumat|| 2 || Germany||

(Note: To modify the table, you must use the "edit" tab of the wiki page on the top.

Joined 2000
Paid Member
This is getting embarrasing! How hard can it be? Was this foreseen and calculated with which would make it even worse (credentiability). Fix this now even if it would cost a buck... To bad it wasn't the ability to show Ads that went down...


There was nothing to be forseen - we were unexpectedly hacked, the problem wasn't reported for a week or investigated in depth for another week which made rolling back very difficult, and this was collateral damage as part of the hack. I've made the decision to just start again fresh instead of trying to repair a hopelessly broken old system. Many parts of diyAudio relies on crumbling software, unsupported and vulnerable - it's my mission to move to modern, supported, regularly patched self-managed software or SAAS across the whole site ASAP. I expect to have moved everything to modern systems by the middle of this year if not before. The old store platform (Magento) was the first to go as it was one of the largest and most unwieldily pieces of software the site uses, and which has been replaced with a SAAS solution (Shopify).

I've already purchased the new wiki software, as well as purchasing professional assistance to get the old wiki database imported and migrated to their new format. Due to the kind of file corruption, they weren't able perform the migration without a lot of extra work from myself, and I have only had very limited time over the last few weeks due to multiple personal commitments. I do apologize to everybody that was relying on the wiki for the downtime and I agree that it's embarrasing and unacceptable. I admit to not realising how many people were actually using it as I perceived it as such a horrible, crappy, outdated wiki platform in need of total overhaul that I thought nobody was actually using it. My mistake.

Getting the wiki migrated and the new version running is my #1 priority for diyAudio currently and I expect it to live within 7 days from today.
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Joined 2000
Paid Member
Current status: New wiki has been installed, old wiki has been imported, but front page seems a mess. Please don't do any edits at the moment as they may be deleted / rolled back. Not quite sure what his plan is but I need to keep it as-is for just this moment. Please hold on another 24 hours before jumping in. I will announce when it's "really live" in this thread. Currently on "standard" URL formats, "seo friendly" URLs coming later once everything else is settled.
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Looks like the old front page still exists at Main Page however I'm finding out now if it can be moved back to the front :)

Ted (the developer) has said that because few people are using vBulletin 3 anymore, there are going to be some bugs. He'd like them to be reported, so please post any bugs you see in this thread and we'll try to address them ASAP.
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Ok, old Main_Page simply pasted over the top of the new front page, order is returned to the universe. SEO friendly URLs to come later.

Please post all bug reports and aberrations here in this thread. VaultWiki is XenForo compatible, so when we move to XF, things should look better by default of us being on a pair of latest release platforms.
Joined 2003
Paid Member
So I offer here my sincere apologies.

I looked deeper and found them under the 'Special Pages' section available on the Wiki pulldown at the DIYAudio webpage header menu.

Thanks for bringing them back... and I am sorry for saying they were missing and for not looking deeper.

Greg Stewart (Greg in Mississippi)
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