Why are my posts showing on other websites?

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Plagiarism, otherwise known as stealing, is quite common on the internet. People lift the content of whole webpages and republish them as their own. I suppose you could regard it as a form of compliment - although compliments from such people are worth less than compliments from others.

Hopefully your comment here will be picked up by search engines and appear next to the pirate version, so people know who is the genuine article.


Joined 2003
Paid Member
Google "Hi Folks! My flat has been too quiet and too cold of late. So I" {with quotes}

6 results (0.46 seconds)
Search Results
remember-ever | DJ Supplies
remember-ever | DJ Supplies
Feb 26, 2017 - Hi Folks! My flat has been too quiet and too cold of late. So I thought it was high time I got my Musical Fidelity A1000 out of storage, and give the ...
MF Preamp 8 (A1000) Mosfet Mods? | DJ Supplies
MF Preamp 8 (A1000) Mosfet Mods? | DJ Supplies
Feb 26, 2017 - Hi Folks! My flat has been too quiet and too cold of late. So I thought it was high time I got my Musical Fidelity A1000 out of storage, and give the ...
the-sockets | DJ Supplies
the-sockets | DJ Supplies
Hi Folks! My flat has been too quiet and too cold of late. So I thought it was high time I got my Musical Fidelity A1000 out of storage, and give the old girl a bit of ...
pins-on-two | DJ Supplies
pins-on-two | DJ Supplies
Feb 26, 2017 - Hi Folks! My flat has been too quiet and too cold of late. So I thought it was high time I got my Musical Fidelity A1000 out of storage, and give the ...
zvn4206e | DJ Supplies
zvn4206e | DJ Supplies
Feb 26, 2017 - Hi Folks! My flat has been too quiet and too cold of late. So I thought it was high time I got my Musical Fidelity A1000 out of storage, and give the ...
great-excuse | DJ Supplies
great-excuse | DJ Supplies
Hi Folks! My flat has been too quiet and too cold of late. So I thought it was high time I got my Musical Fidelity A1000 out of storage, and give the old girl a bit of ...

But Google is not finding the post "here". (Does this forum have norobots?)

That site DOES give source links:

I have seen similar scrape-sites before.

I have seen posts on another forum pop-up on a scrape-site within 15 minutes, and working 24 hours a day.

I think there must be a WordPress robot which will auto-fill your site with contents from other sites. Used appropriately it could be a useful "news feed". But the ones I have seen seem to be some person's personal interests without smart filtering. Or maybe random hand-linking of items which catch the eye?

Keeping your site "fresh" does up your Google rank. Obviously scraping words from other sites is cheating, and Google will demerit you if detected.

FWIW, which may not be much.... following old (July 2012) admin links eventually leads to posts on djforums.com by an Al Poulin in Ontario Canada
I've had usernames stolen before. I've even had little avatar jpgs I'd made to go with the usernames stolen.

Then the unimaginative @$%** who stole my username and avatar would go post some unsavory tale about his latest one-night stand, and people who knew me - or my wife - would contact me to ask what the hell I was doing. :mad:

There is no defense, other than to start over with a new, and less attractive username, and hope that nobody will bother to steal this one.

The Internet can be a joyous place, sometimes. :rolleyes:

Joined 2000
Paid Member
When I have some time, I'll create a repeatable process to get these sites taken down (contacting the host company about copyright infringement, Google, etc). It's now on the todo list. It's easy to rip off content from any site on the web, I believe there's even an RSS feed you could automate off.
...MEMBERS ONLY meaning you can only read them if logged in...
Note that "members only" will not stop a crook from creating a membership, stealing as many posts as he/she wants, and posting them on another website.

"Members only" for reading purposes is also fundamentally against the concept of the public Internet, which was designed to freely share information. The whole genius of HTML is the web-link, that lets you go anywhere and read anything on the web. That is the only thing that makes HTML fundamentally different from all the text-markup languages that came before it.

Also, many of the Internet forums that become secretive and members-only don't do well in the long run. Like old-fashioned boy's clubs, they tend to go extinct. Without being able to browse through a forum before joining, how can anyone know if it is worth joining at all?

So secretive forums don't get many new members, and after a few years, they become ghost towns.

There will always be some percentage of the human race that wants to rip-off everyone else. But it's not worth short-changing everyone else just to try and put up a (futile) defense against the minority of crooks. That approach falls in the category of "cutting off your nose to spite your face", as my mom used to say. :)

Hi everyone, I am the owner of the aforementioned site and feel that I must clarify a few points.

First of all, my apologies to Jason and anybody else who feels that their material has been plagiarised, that was never my intention nor the ultimate goal. The site was never a product of copy and paste, it simply scraped content freely available via the public RSS feeds available on this forum and generally it is assumed that having an active and maintained RSS feed is an invition to syndicate your site content externally, again my apologies if this was misconstrued.

RSS etiquette was also followed at all times, namely only partial content was shown on the external site, meaning that any visitor wanting to finish reading the entire article was diverted by an active link to the original thread on this site, and every piece of content contained such a link. I can see from my own server logs that the site sent a reasonable amount of monthly traffic to you this way, so I can see no deteriment to this method, which is standard RSS practice after all. Google also recognises RSS feeds and doesn't penalise SEO as a result, which is why its a method used by some of the biggest news sites internationally, in order to promote their content.

Secondly the domain has been owned by me since 2011, and will still be owned by me in the years to come, it has not been set up in order to sell on in order to earn a quick buck, non of the RSS fed content even had adwords, so there was no commercial interest, nor any intention to earn from it.

Following Jason's email, I acted expenditiously in removing the content within the hour, the database has been deleted and the site will remain offline and will not return in its former guise. Once again, I never intended the RSS site to cause any ill feeling. No smoke and mirrors - no pack drill. :)
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