Which Brand Electrolytic Caps for Fender AB763?

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Extremely useful generally - but not really needed for valve amp repairs, I don't think I've ever had any occasion to do so? (and I use a scope a LOT!!).

I'm just speaking from experience. When I built Ian Thompson Bell's improved headphone amplifier, my scope allowed me to see that the hum I was hearing through my speakers was 60hz hum generated by poor AC heater line placement. I was able to pin-point where the interference was leaking in and correct the problem. YMMV though! :)
The chasis fuse was never blown. The fuse holder was defective. I replaced the fuse holder today with another I got from ebay for $6 (old fender blackface fuse holder). Plugged it in (repaired the cord end the other day). Now things are working properly -- fuse doesn't blow.

Thanks again for the capacitor tips -- the F&T's seem pretty nice; I like the black color (versus blue).
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