Whats the LAST movie you have watched?

Warren Oates at his best, I hope you have seen "Two Lane Blacktop".

If Sam Peckinpah directed, I'll watch it.

My all time favorite is "The Ballad of Cable Hogue" with Jason Robards, Stella Stevens, David Warner. I have it on VHS and still watch it about once a year.

Although some of Pekinpah's more graphic movies were very well done (such as "The Wild Bunch").
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For Ridley Scott, the photos inside the film are missing and jumping too much. This is very noticeable compared to the style of James Cameroon, where everything is very smooth but at the same time no less exciting. I think this is a bigger skill really. And Prometheus and the Testament, I was very disappointed, and such a plot and such advertising I expected much better films. And even if you compare the first film “Alien” and the second film “Aliens”, you will see that the film made by James Cameroon is made much better here, although the plot is not so original, as it is a continuation. That is, the task was much more difficult to make the film exciting, and Cameroon always succeeds.
And where does this mean that they are taught in a film school? They will always be in these schools and must point a finger at someone or another, but at the same time, no film school guarantees that all films will be better than old ones. In general, than referring to the opinions of other people, you yourself can see who is better and draw your own conclusions. Andrei Tarkovsky is also taught in film schools, but the second film about Solaris is better than him, because the mistakes of the first film were taken into account. Probably in the second version there are simply fewer dialogs and more of the film itself. ;) In addition, the second version of Scarface is also much better than the first film of the 30s. So, at the expense of taste, the question is rhetorical, who actually can have more than that. No one will convince me that Prometheus or the Testament are masterpieces, although this director was cited as an example in a film school. It will still be badly shot crumpled, and poorly edited films, although in some places their plot is even funny. :D
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Both gentlemen in question have long careers in producing and directing films and have enjoyed substantial financial success, depending on exactly how and where you like to count the beans things can get very confusing. Not that success is only about how many butts are put into the seats, of course. Looking at the lists attached,
Ridley Scott Movie Box Office Results
James Cameron Movie Box Office Results
I’m wont to SMFH, “WTF was that all about” at fewer of Cameron’s works than Scott’s.
But as leadbelly notes, there’s no accounting for taste.
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I understand the desire in the West to measure talent in dollars, but here James Cameron is ahead with billions of box-office savings for the Titanic and Avatar. He has fewer films, but the quality is higher. And these are not funny horror films about suckers in space. I found reviews on Alien: Covenant. He probably counted a million discrepancies one funnier than the other. And this is with several screenwriters! Apparently they were in a hurry and wrote separately, then put everything in a heap.
All film sins and kinolyapi "Alien: Covenant.
One passage - why do cryocapsules hang like pants on clothespins? Or why for 2000 colonists there is only one landing craft? And the second is just a flying excavator? Or why do they have small arms that are out of date 100 years ago? Or did I especially like the kamanda typed from advertising on the fence to make money in space? :D And then in a similar style ...

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Linda Ronstadt - The Sound of My Voice. Wonderful biography even if a bit overstated at times. Fans will love it. Those unfamiliar with her work will appreciate it. Her contemporaries will know she wasn't the only woman making her way in the crazy business of music, and empathize with the journey.
Yesterday I watched both of the first films, both excellent. I do not understand what the second film is criticized for; it was done excellently. James Cameron keeps viewers in suspense throughout the film. The dialogue in this film is cherry on the cake! I read the information about this work. The actors lived among the military for some time to imbue the spirit and atmosphere of the military. The dialogs in the film are real dialogs and jokes between the actors who they joke on the set. For example, Janet Goldsteen - Private Janet Vazquez read the announcement of the casting and mistakenly decided that in the future film they would talk about illegal immigrants, the same joke with her got into the film. The rest of the series are just pathetic fakes, it would be better if they did not exist at all.
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“Slave of Love” is a Soviet dramatic feature film of 1975 directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, a kind of cinema anthem based on the idea of interpreting the fate of actress Vera Kholodnaya. Music by Eduard Artemyev. Script writers Andrei Konchalovsky and Friedrich Gorenstein.
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“Running” (The Flight) 1970г. a Soviet two-part film directed by Alexander Alov and Vladimir Naumov, based on the works of Mikhail Bulgakov's “Running”, “The White Guard” and “The Black Sea”. Genre - movie novel.
1920 year The civil war in southern Russia is nearing completion. After the offensive of the Red Army in Crimea, the outcome of all those who sought salvation from the revolution begins.
Булгаков, Михаил Афанасьевич — Википедия


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Spiderman far from home.

Had a bit of a marvel fest on the flights to and from China. I think I watched five or six. Also Avengers Age of Ultron, Black panther, Avengers End Game, Captain America The winter soldier. There may have been another but I can't remember ;)
