What part of DIY do you HATE?

What part do I hate about DIY? When I was modifying 9" gunned CRT projectors..and would have my hand inside them doing some adjustments..and get zappped! by +38kv at about 10-12ma.

That frickin hurts.

When making cables.. I've forgotten to put the barrel on the RCA more times than I can remember. Gah!

I'm now at the point where if I touch the soldering gun, I immediately start looking for the barrels, even if I'm not soldering cables.
stereo speakers means you have to make two....argggggg!

theAnonymous1 said:

Ain't that the truth. I can count 7 projects sitting around me at the moment, one of them going on 3 years now.:smash:

It's funny how easy it is to start new projects however.

That describes my situation perfectly! If I put any more irons 'in the fire' the fire is going to go out completely.

One of my serious (I'm not kidding) problems is trying to build speakers because there are two identical units required for stereo. I get so bored with a project so quickly (limited attention span I guess) that the only way I can end up with two identical boxes is to build them simultaneously. If my idea is risky and highly experimental and they ALWAYS are because I NEVER build something as a copy of someone else's work, this can be devastating if the idea flops. The other part of my problem is that I cannot just throw together a prototype. I have to get on with the entire finish to final presentation in the build effort of the two boxes. Reason for this is because "I KNOW" that once a speaker cabinet is in place in my listening room and it souinds excellent IT AIN'T GOING BACK to the workshop for fine finishing. I'll be moved on to the next big project.
Re: stereo speakers means you have to make two....argggggg!

rcavictim said:
Reason for this is because "I KNOW" that once a speaker cabinet is in place in my listening room and it souinds excellent IT AIN'T GOING BACK to the workshop for fine finishing. I'll be moved on to the next big project.
Isn't that the truth!!!! I have a black primed sub box that I have been meaning to put a slick finish on for 3 years now! I guess it is stashed "almost" out of sight (meaning I look at it every day and tell myself to at least put a coat of paint on the darn thing!)
Here in the UK just try and find components which are in stock and/ at sensible fair price! In particular try and find good, large heatsinks, many common opamps, jfets, etc etc - even transformers can be hard to come by in the power and voltage required. Some suppliers will have as much as half an order....it makes you want to cry!:grumpy:
Here in the UK just try and find components which are in stock and/ at sensible fair price! In particular try and find good, large heatsinks, many common opamps, jfets, etc etc - even transformers can be hard to come by in the power and voltage required. Some suppliers will have as much as half an order....it makes you want to cry!:grumpy:

You just gotta make your own stock, problem solved :D

That's how the rest of us get around.

Magura :)