What are you drinking?

Actually, I’d consider the Russian Standard more than acceptable at even room temp with a couple of large ice cubes and about 3 drops of water so as to dilute too much, but my favorite bang for buck vodka would have to be the Luksoswa. Sure, it’s Polish, and from potatoes rather than grains, but then that qualifies it for a gluten-free diet.
I'm not picky. I just make sure I'm there at the end of the night if I'm needed. Same with brother Scott, eh Chris?

Thanks for the reminder, but have definitely dialed things back quite a bit since then. Hell, I made it home from my combination staff Christmas/ retirement party at the 4-Mile pub last night just after 9:00PM - that early in the evening only took 5 minutes to get a cab. BTW discovered a nice new martini last week - Bourbon, Gin and rhubarb syrup. An almost dangerously smooth and tasty combination of flavours, but that was on a staycation getaway with Susan at Sooke Harbour House, so no chance of overdoing anything - except hiking through the woods to Mystic Beach.

And a nice cold brewed - as opposed to iced hot brewed - coffee is an entirely different thing.
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Hell, I made it home from my combination staff Christmas/ retirement party at the 4-Mile pub last night just after 9:00PM
I made it home at middlenight. Hanh would have stayed longer but I was getting bored around all the I love ya man stuff. It's great when I'm dishing it out but when I'm the DD, I could do with less of it. :)
BTW discovered a nice new martini last week - Bourbon, Gin and rhubarb syrup.
Not sure how that's still called a Martini. Have they run out of other names already? I mean I was confused when they first used vodka and called it a Martini.
Sooke Harbour House
We had a nice sheltered south facing "lanai", and the sunniest warmest week for quite some time. We measured over 25C one afternoon - I know because Susan always travels with her trusty analog thermometer - even to Bermuda. You think I'm kidding?

Hey, if they wanna call it a martini, who am I to argue. If you really want some entertainment just ask a mixologist or cocktail snob "so, what's the best martini"

According to "the Google", it might just be the most customizable drink on the planet
26 Martini Recipes - How To Make A Martini Cocktail With Gin or Vodka
My wife asked if there was something that was both wine and beer, and we were in the mountains yesterday.

Indeed there is:
Oeneobeers: An oenobeer is a beer/wine hybrid with each beer using a different wine grape in its fermentation.

A specialty of Liberati Denver - Italian Cuisine and Oenobeers

A Barleywine is a wine strength beer. It does not have any grape juice in it
Silly boogers just can't think of new names.

Martini: Gin, vermouth, king size olive with pit, ice optional depending on the liquor temp.

No more, no less.

We could have fun back and forth on this for days, but as Siri might say
"This is what I found on the internet about Martini"

Some martinis were prepared by filling a cocktail glass with gin, then rubbing a finger of vermouth along the rim. There are those who advocated the elimination of vermouth altogether. According to Noel Coward; "A perfect martini should be made by filling a glass with gin, then waving it in the general direction of Italy"( Italy being a major producer of vermouth)
Obviously I'm not the classical connoisseur that you clearly are, and never did particularly care for any detectable amount of vermouth.
Even though Cocktail | The Cocktail Project allows for over 60 "-tini" drinks - and I have to admit that some sound absolutely horrid (Peanut Butter Cup / Pumpkin Pie?) - I'll just call what I enjoyed in the Copper Room a mixed spirits cocktail - it was the rhubarb syrup that was the surprise for me.

Wow, I think the vermouth is the best part, even if it does taste better mixed with gin or vodka.

Thanks for the tip on oenobeer or oenobier, I'll have to go and try to track one down at the big liquor stores.

Yeah, with that martini fad of a few years back just about any permutation served in a martini glass was named as such. So many of them are terrible, overly sweet and overwhelming the liquor.
I am not a connoisseur but my father's generation sure was. They used a plant mister to administer the vermouth. One spritz over top of 4 glassses was good as long as you removed the glasses quickly before it all settled.
I am sac religious. I use a 3:1 ratio, and add a tsp of the olive juice along with crushed ice that remains in the glass. Gasp!