W3-871s over bright.

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Tangband in a Bottle

Bass performance:
The bass reproduction of these bottles is one of the cleanest, driest bass I have experienced in any low cost speaker.
It is rare to be able to hear such tuneful bass notes, and the ability to separate plucked bass from bass drum is amasing :)
This is with the speaker close to the wall (as shown on the picture) and the listening position close to the oposite wall.

Low frequency thundering bass is however lacking.
When I moved the speakers into my Cyburgs Needles I got more deep bass, but much less controlled.

The bottle is 1,5L so I guess the performance is similar to a normal 1.5L bass reflex cabinet .

Svein_B said:
Tangband in a Bottle

Bass performance:
The bass reproduction of these bottles is one of the cleanest, driest bass I have experienced in any low cost speaker.
It is rare to be able to hear such tuneful bass notes, and the ability to separate plucked bass from bass drum is amasing :)
This is with the speaker close to the wall (as shown on the picture) and the listening position close to the oposite wall.

Low frequency thundering bass is however lacking.
When I moved the speakers into my Cyburgs Needles I got more deep bass, but much less controlled.

The bottle is 1,5L so I guess the performance is similar to a normal 1.5L bass reflex cabinet .



How do you like your needles? Can you compare them to any other speakers that you may own or have owned?
type said:

How do you like your needles? Can you compare them to any other speakers that you may own or have owned?

They sound nice and natural (see my post #35 in this thread), but might have difficulty reproducing the scale and dynamics of a grand piano with a small amp. They are low/medium efficiency.

To return to the original topic of this thread, I have personally not found the W3-871s to be over bright, but it can sound kind of hard and forward if not used with a notch filter. The type of capacitor in this filter can also affect the sound.

A picture of my needles:


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Svein_B said:
I have used the following Notch filter with good results both in the Cyburgs Needle and a small 1.5L BR.

L: 0.56 mH. Air core coil, 0.8mm.
C: 6.8 uF. polyester film (Bennic MT)
R: 6,8 ohm wirewound 5W
(all components are connected in parallel, and inserted into the speaker wire)

Hi Svein_B, you mention that you use this filter with a 1.5L enclosure. I'm building a 1.7 litre sphereical speaker with ths 871 driver, do you think these are good values or do they need adjustment for the volume or geometry of the enclosure ?

jives11 said:

Hi Svein_B, you mention that you use this filter with a 1.5L enclosure. I'm building a 1.7 litre sphereical speaker with ths 871 driver, do you think these are good values or do they need adjustment for the volume or geometry of the enclosure ?


I am in no way an authority on Notch-filters and BSC for the W3-871s. I just used the filter component intended for the Cyburgs Needle, since that was my intended final application. I think it worked quite well also with the 1.5L bottle.

If you want to study filter variants for boxes with with various diffraction characteristics, you should download the ZIP file with Notch filter for Tangband W3-871 found on http://http://www.zaphaudio.com/archives.html


having completed my 180mm diameter spheres using w3-817s drivers I'm trying to calculate the correct values for the notch filter.

Based on:


I figure that R1 should be 8 Ohms and L1 should be 1.41 mH, based on a baffle width (sphere diameter ) of 180mm.

However I'm not sure how to calculate C1. I don't plan to use a sub.

I note the Zaph numbers seem to come out differently when I plug the values into the algorithm above, so I'm scratching my head and trying to figure out the correct numbers.

Perhaps there is a little art in this science too ?
I think the issue of the W3-871s filter in most designs is to dampen a peak in the response in the 2-3 Khz range which make the sound somewhat sharp and tiring to listen to without compensation. Hence the notch-filter (RLC) rather than a conventional BSC.

I suggest to try the RLC notch-filter first and enjoy the sound. My guess is that with some back-wall support the result may be acceptable. I suspect that the BSC with 8 ohm is may hurt the already low efficiency and limited dynamics of this diminutive driver.

PVC pipes

Good day to you all,

I'm a new bloke experimenting with full-range speakers. I am not troubled by any knowledge what so ever. So everything is possible. Even-though I do read articles on the web and books like the LDC.

I post my first writing here, because my attempts seem to relate to the 1,5L plastic bottles. If only, that they too are made of plastic. Although the reason why I came across this thread was that I was browsing for 'baffle-step' and 'sphere'. Which was the beginning of this thread and looks very cool!

My first try was with a couple of Visatons FRS8 in 75mm pipes trying to build a TL. They fit snug into the pipes after some sandpapering. The first time I adjusted the length to approximately fs-1/2octave. Which came down to 83Hz.

Later I went to approximately fs-1octave. Which practically meant 52Hz. Of course both attemps meant experimenting with different types of padding.

I will be receiving my Tangbands very soon, so I will repeat the above for these drivers without any compensating filters. Even-though the spheres also look appealing.


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toseland said:

I have dual subs, so only the mid range is an issue.

Currently I use the cabinet to roll off the 3w-871s and as I use them well within they're limit I don't intend to change this unless it becomes a problem.

Please can you explain your comment about the 0.7mH inductor.


It's about 150 euro. I have the Ultracurve 8024, but I figure this thing should work just as good (it has analog buttons but it operates digitally).
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