Very Cool

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Some figures are clear:

1 - Bophal population before the accident was above 900,000 people.
2 - The gas that was massively released to the air caused inmediate death to anybody breathing it for a few minutes, and lifetime illness to anybody breathing it for only a few seconds.
3- Bophal population after the accident was below 200,000 people.
4- Union Carbide and India Government will tell you that only 2,000 people died, and that the remaining 700.000 escaped to other places of India...

Did they have magic carpets or what?
Eva, i agree with you about a * real * nuclear plant. In this world everything is a financial decision. A calculation of risk versus cost.
Its the people who use it that make the technology unsafe.
Here in Holland we calculate our dams to withstand a superstorm that occurs every 1000 years (could be a digit off here), and we dont bother with the next bigger storm. Its risk versus cost.
When people making the decisions get their priorities screwed up no amount of technology is going to do any good.

Tom Bearden Explains WHY Heavsides butchering of MAXWELL'S ORIGINAL TREATSIE on electromagnetics is eacxtly that--a complete butchery of the mathematics which..originally... allows for action at a distance, instantanous transfer of information, antigravity, time dilation and temporal anomalies (ie, temporal control), insane levels of power and energy egress from the aether, inter and intra dimensional travel and access, transmuation, etc..etc...etc.

This is all contained within Maxwell's ORIGINAL 'quarternion' analysis, which contains..get this...20 equations, in 20 unknowns.

NOT Heaveside's butchery for technicians, which is two equations in two unknowns, which conatins ZERO..absolutely ZERO of Maxwell's work or mathematics in it!!!!!!!!!!!!

This book, Maxwells original treatsie has been coveted, burned, destroyed, supressed, etc, etc, buy the scientific and mathematical groups overall and in multiple the Heavside work has been accepted, even is completely blind to the possibilites within Maxwell's original work. Until a few yers ago, a original or copy, if found, ever, would set you back a solid $5k.

Now, you find Maxwell's original work surfacing in many ways, around IBM's early on teleporation, work on energy transfer systems, poking out of Pon's and Flieshman's cold fusion work, and just about any of Tesla's work, wioch uses it in totality..or..all the anomolous things you hear about in science and the edges of science. Ie, the 'weird science'. Maxwell's original mathematics on Electromagnetism allws for and explains it all.

The reason we can't figure out or prove any of this, is the current mathematical models, which are SUPPOSEDLY using Maxwell's math..are as I stated, a complete bastardization and fabrication that has ZERO to do with Maxwell's work.

It does not matter whether or not it 'sits well' in your mind is -flatly-...true.

No existing model of electromagnetism will find these anomolus things..they will only illustrate that they are incapable of showing such.

Here's a video of Bearden explaining the situation.

Maxwell's original treatsie is now on the net, please go forth and find it and capture it, it's one of those things that is vitally important to the future of mankind. Share, please. Understand, please. And get this crap story of bad science, for the past 100 years, the hell out of our lives, and off our backs.
cool avatar.

Always the negative Sy. :) ;) Pick the one single potentially weak point I put in there, and try and reduce the entire post as a reflection of that.

That in itself, is an emotionally derived response. Not that I'm saying that my post was entirely voiced in logic, either.

How about this one:

I own a 1600L per hour Browns gas generator, and I can tell you flat out, that current models do not show what it is doing or is capable of, at all.

Ever had a working over unity device in your hands before Sy? I've had multiples. You will quickly change your mind. In these kinds of instances, the smartest thing you can do, is turn the chessboard around, and investegate deeply into the idea of it all being 100% true.

If I met you face to face, I'd tell you exactly the same. And then I'd show you.

Instead of expending large amounts of energy decrying it and asking for proofs that cannot exist, within the models you accept. Reminds me of the Arguement that Certain western governments are presenting to Midddle eastern countries as a pretext to their stitting at the table for negotiations: Patently absurd and slated for failure - before it has a chance to even work at all. Nothing can come of it but a preordained failure. Which is their (western government's) desire and point.

The mathematics and physics in current use and vouge, are of a similar position and nature.
Not interested 'ole Randi. Problem is wih such devices, they are like massive societal/scientific/cultural/economic/political bombs. You can't step away from one fast enough to avoid vaporization in the explosion of their release. Too much baggage. The trick is, to do what others have done. Simply use it yourself, and leave it at that.

On another note (why I'm really back in this thread.....this was taken before the auto accident and the ensuing surgery.)

I found your high school photo on the net!


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Here's a strange one I came across, when using the program 'stumble' on the ole PC. That's how I stumbled on your old photo.

Possibly connected to all the new research Brown's Gas? Or is a humorus fabrication? Somehow, even with no research except to read this article (not 5 minutes ago)..I don't think so.

Researchers have now used x-rays to dissociate water at high pressure to form a solid mixture--an alloy--of molecular oxygen and molecular hydrogen

The trick with Brown's gas, is the exact right electrolyte mix, with the exact right plate type and the exact right voltages. Then you get dissassociation that 'holds'.

I can't ignite magnesium for the life of me, or boil water..but I can sublimate anything. It takes everything right to it's point of boiling, or to an electrically and/or magnetically or thermally responsive 'slurry' and then stops. It will vaporize after that point, but any furthur 'reaction' (not sure if it is even possible to call it a 'reaction') is much slower.

The activity, molecularly or 'table of elements'-wise, seems to be in exact reverse of the standard exothermic considerations.

Then, I came across the photo (stumble again)....from after the final operation, and the eye correction. The uncertainty was gone. You knew who you were meant to be!

I was also expelled from high school. Permanently. I wasn't even evil, at all. Long story.

Had to pursue it on my own after that.


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SY said:
Pons and Fleischmann??? Oh, lord....

KBK said:
cool avatar.

Always the negative Sy.
Pick the one single potentially weak point I put in there, and try and reduce the entire post as a reflection of that.


what religion, is the religion,

that denies the existence,

of ALL religions, including itself?

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