UPnP/DLNA stream from analog source with RPi

Hi everybody,

I'm looking for a possibility to make my turntable available as UPnP/DLNA stream, using a RaspberryPi. I have a phono-preamp with a digital output (Pro-Ject Phono Box V USB) that under $ lsusb shows up as:

Bus 001 Device 005: ID 08bb:2904 Texas Instruments PCM2904 Audio Codec

I tried to replicate this solution, but it didn't work and OP seems not to be around any more. Any suggestions?
I had the exact same issue with Rygel. From similar support threads on the Gnome lists it seems like untested breaking changes are the norm for Rygel, and there seems to be only one developer.

Here is my setup:
AT-LP120-USB into Raspberry 4.

Arecord can capture the PCM stream from USB.

Rygel can stream a sine wave test signal as PCM/wav via DLNA, and it can encode and stream the same sine as mp3 or flac via DLNA.

Rygel will absolutely not stream from alsa. It also does not provide any info about what went wrong at any log level.

My workaround is darkice/icecast2. This works, but is less user friendly.

Maybe you can dig around and find a previous version of Rygel that works.
Interesting, the changelog of Rygel would suggest a healthy vital project https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/rygel/-/commits/master

Rygel uses gstreamer and configuration of the [GstLaunch] section seems quite flexible. IMO if the gstlaunch sequence is tested to work OK in a standalone gstreamer launch command, it should work in rygel too.

IMO the first step should be to fine-tune the gstlaunch NAME-launch pipeline, to make sure it will work OK when rygel tries to launch it.
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Thanks for your help phofman! I decided to dig deeper with your suggestions, and got everything working now.

Rygel was hiding the error messages at all log levels, but gst-launch-1.0 and gst-inspect-1.0 brought them back.

First the gstreamer1.0-alsa package was missing. Also pulseaudio was hogging the sound card. And finally I needed to use alsasrc in my pipe without any options, and use configuration from /etc/asound.conf instead.
Thanks for your help phofman! I decided to dig deeper with your suggestions, and got everything working now.

Rygel was hiding the error messages at all log levels, but gst-launch-1.0 and gst-inspect-1.0 brought them back.

First the gstreamer1.0-alsa package was missing. Also pulseaudio was hogging the sound card. And finally I needed to use alsasrc in my pipe without any options, and use configuration from /etc/asound.conf instead.
Just to clarify, did you mean you used .asoundrc without options, and if so is the file just empty? And how did you configure around.conf? Thanks