Understanding measurements - for dummies = me

So... I tried to "air" a picture taken from Hificompass, where I compared two woofers IMD. One is very expensive, and the other is pretty standard, from a known brand and often used. But as I can see.... they are pretty damn close to each other - am I missing any details?

My point is, to learn what better drivers do better, so that I can maneuver in this jungle of data, that seems to mislead more often, than help me.

Intermodulation in drivers.png
Hi, there seems to be huge difference. Take either the 30Hz or 255Hz peak, and compare the grass in between to those. On left image, all the grass seems to be >6db lower than on the right image. I'm assuming both are measured with some "same output" in a way that the images are comparable.

For example the 255Hz peak with green oval on the left image, is there about at -13db level, on right image its about -16db or so, eyeballing.
Compare that to the 330Hz sideband, with white oval marked. On left image thats roughly -50db, while on right it's about -40 or so.
So, difference between the images is 37db against 24db, thats great difference, order of magnitude, left being better.

Audibility, no idea which sounds better. Both could sound just fine at some listening level, while both would sound poo on too loud listening level.