UCD180 questions

Shipment costs

Hi Jan-Peter!

I have asked you once before, if you could give the customer the option of a more economic shipment alternative (since the 35€ is a bit stiff in my opinion), but never received an answer.
I really don't need them to be delivered the next day.

Then I would also like to know what the 7,50€ bank-fee is all about? I thougt the fee was drawn from my bank when transferring the money.

Re: Shipment costs

paradigm said:
Then I would also like to know what the 7,50€ bank-fee is all about? I thougt the fee was drawn from my bank when transferring the money.

That fee is actually justified when recieving money from foreign countries. Both the sending bank and the recieving one are allowed to charge a fee. AFAIK there is some EU directive in the works that is supposed to stop that kind of nonsense.

But besides that I fully agree. Sending the modules by regular parcel-mail would be much cheaper.

hansen said:

Ok, so what is the recommended voltage to use to get the most from those modules?
How many uF of filtering do you recommend per module (minimum and best)?
How many VA is reasonable for the xformer per module?


I'd be very interested to find out a little bit more about this as well...

Is there a PDF available yet on the UCD400?

Can anybody suggest a parts list (not the nuts and wires) to build a mono amp of the highest quality - no savings on the components - using an UCD400?

As far as I understand, for a mono amp the following list would be suitable:

1) DC filter module - yes or no?
2) Soft startup module - LC Audio
3) Encapsulated torroid - what voltage and rating?
4) PS Board with 2 or 4 slit foil or T-network caps....preferences? Predator PSU?
5) UCD400
6) ALPS volume pot?

I am still a bit confused about the VA ratings and voltage....also what's the formula find out what the voltage will be after rectification??
Lastly, what's the deal on a DC filter? If I get an encapsulated PSU, would I still benefit from a DC filter module? Or would an R-core transformer be the best option?


I plan to buy UCD modules to have one the best amplifiers in the world as soon as possible. The only thing that holds me off for the moment is time to assemble them.

But I also want to do experimentation with the Class D technology. Would you consider selling the difficult parts (ie Mosfets and output coil) as parts?


Re: You're still missing the point........

Jocko Homo said:
Of course, you want better sound. You are assuming that is solely because the amp has more power output capability.

I contend that is because other parameters of the amps have changed. See John W's post.......


exactly - we all know how important those 3" diameter power cords are! :clown:
Re: shipment fees

paradigm said:

And still,... the fee amounts to almost one UcD180.:(


Don't say that they'll raise the price of the modules. With regular mail you'll be lucky if it gets there in one piece, if at all.

Having one shipping method probably saves them alot of hassles before they start.

I wonder if customs would add any to it or is that included as well? If so it's a steal!
Re: Re: shipment fees

classd4sure said:
With regular mail you'll be lucky if it gets there in one piece, if at all.
In my experience it is especially the courier firms that are careless. I have received cartons that were reduced to floppy rags. Never mind a "fragile" sticker. Whether shipping by regular mail or by courier, always package in such a way your parcel can be safely dropped from 3 metres. For heavier objects, or for multiple objects in one carton, common practice is first to package firmly in a smaller box, then package that box in a bigger one using shock absorbing packaging material.

As for things getting lost in the mail, Guido Tent (www.tentlabs.com) has been shipping out his crystal clock modules worldwide by registered (but uninsured) mail for years, and only 0.2% of parcels get lost along the way. It turns out to be cheaper not to insure the shipment and to put up with having to send a new one if one got lost.

This thread is straying wide off topic...
Dear Guys hereby all answers:

2x10.000uF will be enough for every module UcD400. An unloaded voltage of 63VDC - 10% will be our advise. Stereo +/-500VA transformer
or dual mono +/-300VA. We have in stock a 500VA transformer normaly used for our bridge subwooferamp, but this is also perfect for a
stereo UcD400.

We send the UcD modules by TNT, all shipment are assured and will be arrive by the customer within a few days. Thereby all packages
are picked up at our office by TNT. Shipments by post are indeed cheaper but are not assured, and we have to go to the post office,
what cost us a lot of time at the moment. Thereby the shippingcost do cover the actual cost we don't make profit out of
the shippingcost. Please don't forget if you order more the shippingcost will stay the same!

We can do it also in an other way, increase the price with 30% and ship it free to anybody anyplace in the world!:D
There are other companies who do this, it's a matter of choice............

Bankfee do cost also us this amount when we receive a foreign payment

We put the datasheet of the UcD400 on the website tonight.

No we don't consider to sell a real DIY ClassD kit, is too complicated.




my question was not about a complete kit with all parts & pcb,...
From previous experience I know how difficult that is. If you would sell that, you could never support your customers.
My question was only about the output inductors and eventually the Mosfets since these parts seem difficult to get.
Tanks anyway for the prompt answer.
Jan-Peter said:

Stereo +/-500VA transformer or dual mono +/-300VA. We have in stock a 500VA transformer normaly used for our bridge subwooferamp, but this is also perfect for a
stereo UcD400.

I was going to use two 500VA's (dual mono). Others here have experienced better results when using larger transformers with their setups.


Is there a hard and fast rule in regard to the size? I suppose it depends on the load (speakers).

Re: Misunderstanding?

lbruynseels said:
my question was not about a complete kit with all parts & pcb,...
From previous experience I know how difficult that is. If you would sell that, you could never support your customers.
My question was only about the output inductors and eventually the Mosfets since these parts seem difficult to get.
Tanks anyway for the prompt answer.

And what would you use the parts for since they would be pretty much useless without the PCB which is crucial to make it work and perform?

UrSv said:

And what would you use the parts for since they would be pretty much useless without the PCB which is crucial to make it work and perform?

in other threads (if you search for UCD you can find them) there is many interesting information on the UCD technology.

My goals are: getting insight in how it works, make it work in pspice, build working prototypes and see how they perform, ...
I just want to know how far I can get. Don't expect too much, I will be glad if it plays music some day.

You know, the design is fascinating: a top class amp out of 16 transistors! Compare this simplicity to the complexity of the Elektor Tripath design in the Dutch june 2004 issue!

To get a world class working amplifier, the cheapest and probably the only way is to buy modules.

