Tiniest 40hz Sub

The Vas is huge, and weirdly this is the case for all of these pancake type drivers
I am not surprised at all about these values, your 8" has about half the SD of the 12" i posted, ofcourse VAS will be higher for the 12".
My most important criteria was the mounting depth, it seems that your initial demand of mounting depth of less than 70mm have been tossed out the window.

In my application I could easily accomodate for a design around 50 liters, it just needs to be very shallow.

Curious about why you need to make these subs less than 4 liters if you are going to use amplifiers for a more fixed scenario.
I have 3 of those amplifiers myself, nice things.
In my mind small designs to the degree you are considering are commonly for "luggable" applications, yet you choose an amplifier that requires grid voltage.

Sealed will ALWAYS be more ‘accurate’ all else being equal. Significantly less group delay

No, sorry.
When you add that "all else being equal" your statement is simply not true.
If you adjust the frequency response of a sealed box to be equal to the response of a vented design the group delay will be more or less EXACTLY the same.
Thank you for the inspiration to my new sig.
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your initial demand of mounting depth of less than 70mm have been tossed out the window.
I had to extend that to 90mm by a plated over cutout in the panel behind the driver to accommodate the ZR6 as it's currently the champ modeller for the tiny40s
Curious about why you need to make these subs less than 4 liters if you are going to use amplifiers for a more fixed scenario.
I have 3 of those amplifiers myself, nice things.
In my mind small designs to the degree you are considering are commonly for "luggable" applications, yet you choose an amplifier that requires grid voltage.

Just a challenge to find the right driver that can do an audible flat 40 in a reflex type tiniest cab. That is of use to me for the battery operated portable alternative to headphones using small class D

If the same driver in the same cab can take on a lot of power, then will use it in a musical sub using Eric's amps
I can respect a challenge for the sake of it.
FYI the 12" I listed could theoretically be mounted in a volume of about 5.5 liters, 2.8dm*2.8dm*0.7dm = 5.488 L
Not saying that I would, but it's possible.

I seem to remember doing a 2 liter 40Hz sim for some driver a few years ago, so you could go smaller if you wanted.
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This is at xmax of the Tang Band W3-1876S, in a volume of under 2.5 liters, the materials will add some, but it's still a bit smaller than your 4 liter goal.
Doable, I recommend some chamfering on the port to help reduce a slight chuffing at max volume.


If you can splurge on some passive radiator you may get it to around 2 liters total since you do not have to waste as much space on the port.
his is at xmax of the Tang Band W3-1876S, in a volume of under 2.5 liters, the materials will add some, but it's still a bit smaller than your 4 liter goal.
Doable, I recommend some chamfering on the port to help reduce a slight chuffing at max volume.
Yes, the Tang Bands were my first choice but the shipping from PE is much more than the driver to Regional AU so I gave them a miss. There are some very similar looking drivers on Ali that might model well, will need to get some in and measure T/S
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I am going to have to add some weather resistance features to the portable as well. Northerlies are up through summer so a bit of sea spray. This means wireless everything to make things easier. I need to pick the drivers that will be fine in a moist environment in the front moving surfaces. The driver frames and cab coupling is manageable

Time for a new washable planky bass too!. All brass and SS with sealed pickups and on bit of glassed plank :D
I enquired re this last year but had to put things aside due to major renovations and new baby

On feedback from the forum, I bought a Bheringer calibrated mic and I already have an audio interface

Will really appreciate some help in setting up a workflow to measure driver T/S and then test the built speaker
Now to model and make some 40hz test boxes. My table saw and CNC are both ready to be setup

1 - Original 40hz test box that looks like a TL, the long skinny ported one - MDF - model ready
2 - Regular shape ported test box - MDF (could do with further proofing)
3 - 6 segment tapered TL - model ready - foam composite (could do with further proofing)
4 - PR based sub - foam composite (could do with further proofing)
5 - The PR cab for the portable - foam composite (could do with further proofing)
6 - Test box for the FR drivers - foam composite - model ready (could do with further proofing)
Every thing is place to give test box 4 a go. I feel this one is going to be quite special and deserving of it own thread as a resource for sandwich construction
I don't THINK I posted this earlier....
Have you given ANY thought to a small bandpass design? If you want the 40Hz nearfield, all you would have to do is use a PR, and add enough mass to push the usable range low enough.

It is not a design that needs lots of output here, and close proximity is your friend.

I know it is ruled out, but the W31876S in a very small bandpass with the 830878 really does quite well at about 30W for a pair of them. A Dayton PR could be swapped in for availability sake.


Played that heavy bass song from Marion Hill at MWAF 2022, and the judges were quite impressed that it actually handled it.
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Have you given ANY thought to a small bandpass design?
Not until I ordered the JBL BB3 style racetrack driver. I intend to test a band pass with this driver, but by using a PR to load each side of the volume instead of ports. Is this what you mean? The long and narrow driver should suit mounting on an internal bulkhead very well and make for a fairly flat bandpass cab

all you would have to do is use a PR, and add enough mass to push the usable range low enough.
Would you believe it, whilst trying model a BR, the aspect ratio/driver volume to port volume and length of port were seriously limiting minimum cab size. This adding of mass must be related to the physics of that. My uneducated guess is that none of the 6.5" PR on the market will be enough to play nice with the ZR6 driver, even if used in pairs. The amount of weight that might be called on is likely to reduce resolution

I know it is ruled out, but the W31876S in a very small bandpass with the 830878 really does quite well at about 30W for a pair of them. A Dayton PR could be swapped in for availability sake.

I do have a pair of Dayton alloy cone reference PRs coming in the next day or two. Tangband would be my first choice, but PE have chosen to price this out of the reach of AU tinkerers, and I can't find anyone stocking them elsewhere. The 4kg parcel from Big Jeff's Audio arrived surprisingly quick for $85 AUD shipping. PE is asking the same moneys to ship a 200gram driver

Thanks for the link man

I have to address the point I made about not expecting the PR units to be able to play nice. I have noted that most brands just sell you a regular driver without the magnet and VC and noted that the usual recommendation is to double up on the PR. From this I am drawing another uneducated opinion that I would need two approximate ZR6 units without the mags and coils. DS18 do not offer any PR units and the SLAPS 6 also seems like it will fall short. Going to a larger SD PR will defeat the Tiny40s challenge

After the PR trails, I will do a private test of something that I am naming an ePR system. I am sure that the educated types on this board have the ability to run with this concept, but let it be said that the offer has been made and not taken up. Very confident that enough trail and error here in the workshop will eventually resolve my search for a higher resolution reflex system

Than lyou again for wading through my ramblings, much appreciated
Have you given ANY thought to a small bandpass design? If you want the 40Hz nearfield, all you would have to do is use a PR, and add enough mass to push the usable range low enough.
Have a look at this. Its the basic form of the test box for PR systems. I have been thinking about placing the racer sub on that middle bulkhead and a racer PR on each of those front openings, make sense? That bulkhead is movable to allow varying volumes on either side of the partition