This is not just another gainclone

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Here he is. :D


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Re: Re: awesome

JordanG said:
Auricap[/URL] (not audiocap).

I was looking on theaudience-av page, and it seems there's a nice discount for bulk orders of auricaps.. Would anyone be intersted in doing a group-buy wiki type thing for them? Just a thought...

Tks for the data, Jordan. I'd like to buy at discount, but I think I only need 20 of them, and as far as I see, the real discount game begins at hundreds.

faustian bargin said:
... they are pretty easy about hobbyists; they don't care much that you're using it for personal use. i wouldn't use a sample in something you're planning to sell for profit however.

I tried to order some samples, but they just told me that they can not help me I must order through the local distributer. I contacted the local distributer but they where not helpfull at all. Also wanted to know what I want to use it for and told me that if I am not going to order at least 1000 or more , I can not get free samples. :(
So you guys are quit lucky. I still can order from RS, although down here they are extremely expensive.
Peter Daniel said:
I made comparison today between 24V and 18 V power supply. 18V PS produces more bass (at least on Dynaudio speakers).

Today I will get some of those "expensive" RS LM3875's and build my GC. I am going to use a 22V 400VA toroidal which I got lying around.

1.) I am not sure but was there somewhere a posting on the VA size which makes a differance? Unfortunately I will not be able to compare between differant voltages or VA sizes but will deffinately compare to Aleph30.
2.) Another question - is it adviseable to put trafo in same box as GC? I've seen it done before but still want to know if it can cause problems?
Hi Till,

As there are no absolutes in life, it might just be possible that one can find a particular amp, or whatever, which is *not* affected by the increased mains impedance which occurs with using RCDs, but to find an entire audio 'setup' from source to speakers which is unaffected, is nigh on impossible I would say.

This matter has been well researched and commented on in the UK audio press over the years, and my experiences tell me that avoiding these devices is a worthy step towards better sound.

The effect of increased mains source impedance is not at all subtle, and it makes the resultant sound seemed 'strangled' and lacking in any real dynamics. It is very similar to the effects I always hear when using mains conditioners, many of which I have tried, and I have regrettably wasted a considerable sum of money on them in the past.

MCBs, which work on an entirely different principle, are much less harmful to the sound than RCDs (as they don't have the same adverse effect on the source impedance) and they are also 'sonically' much more benign than fuses, which I will not tolerate anywhere near audio equipment, nor in the Consumer Unit in my home.

From what you have said here your beliefs seem to be based solely on 'wishful thinking' (which is, of course, your prerogative) as you do not appear to have compared the difference, like I have, but no doubt you will correct me if I have misunderstood you here.

For anyone else who is serious about obtaining the best sound in their system, I would strongly recommend that they substitute something else (like MCBs) for any RCDs in the mains supplies to their equipment, and I don't believe that anyone doing this will regret it!


If you are interested, there is a capacitor series made by Reliable Capacitors, in the USA, which is called "AudioCap", and some of this series (especially the 'Alphas' & 'Thetas', which I have tried) are extremely good-sounding caps, too.:nod:

jean-paul said:
...But since I smoke myself I can tell that I choose to smoke and I am very well aware what risks are involved.

I think the Beryllium thing is something else. Probably most people that became ill from BeO only learnt the risks afterwards. They did not have an opportunity to choose...

While I agree with you on the Beryllium you do, unfortunately,
undermine your own arguments and credibility here. When
you smoke, unless you do it far away from other people, you
will also expose other people to the smoke and endanger their
health too. The only difference is that they will know they are
exposed to something dangerous, but that doesn't make it
less dangerous.

This is not meant to complain about you smoking, let's not
have a debate about that here, but to point out your
inconsequent logic.
Disabled Account
Joined 2002
Hi Christer,

i don't see the point that I'm undermining my own arguments and credibility here discussing BeO because I smoke :confused:

You just assume I smoke in the presence of others, quite inconsequent logic I think when one does not know the facts.
And even if I would do so the risk is reduced because the other people will smell it and can take precautions ( like leaving :D ). This won't happen in real life because smokers have a special area in most companies. Same counts for restaurants etc. We tend to feel hunted and for that reason we stick together to share our bad habit.

In the case of dangerous materials one often can not smell nor see the stuff. You receive the bill later if you know what I mean. Besides that the toxidity of such materials is higher than that from tar and nicotine.

I used to work with such heavy smokers that I left the office to smoke outside because I couldn't stand the smell and the smoke in the office. It ended that a smoker wanted the others to smoke outside which was a real assault on my credibility !

From a typical smoker's point of view I can say that pollution of the air comes from the industry and cars mainly. Nevertheless it is a very bad habit and it's better not to begin at all. Saves one the continuous struggle wanting to quit smoking.

Reminds me what a friend of mine from the German Ruhrgebiet used to say:

we smoke to keep the air clean.

Please let's get back to the subject and don't let smoke get in the way of the beloved Gainclone.
jean-paul said:

i don't see the point that I'm undermining my own arguments and credibility here discussing BeO because I smoke :confused:

No, not because you are a smoker, but because you used that
as an analogy with the Beryllium case. Yes, there are a number
of differences, but I still think it was a very bad choice of
analogy. Anyway, this is a small matter and nothing to start a new discussion over, and please note that my posting was not meant to accuse you or anybody else for smoking. It had
nothing to do with smoking per se.
zeno said:

Shipping seems to be free for Europe. I got mine in three days, through Singapore, no shipping fee, no customs.

Afterwards I got an e-mail from N Semi to explain what I was going to do with the chips, and a week later a telephone call with the same questions.


Well - my experience with samples - I've sent a message with order for 4 LM3875

That's what I've got as a reply today:

"Dear Primoz,

Thank you for the sample request from National Semiconductor.

We regret that we are unable to fulfill the sample request as follow:

Part Number : LM3875T for 4 pieces.
Company Name: Primoz.
Application : Consumer.

Please contact your local distributor to obtain sample:


Regional Administrator"

Hmm :(

The thing is - all others from our Country - that got same message - couldn't get samples - 'cause local distributor isn't prepare to send them ... :(

So ... I'll guess I'll have to find another way to get them ...
The problem is - here in SLO - you can't just buy them - they are only suplied after special order - so you must wait for at least 14-21 days ...
Sample program looked good to me - 'cause shiping time was shorter ...
Otherwise - they cost around 7Eur/each ...

Hmm - i know you've discussed this a lot - but which aplication should I use - I'll use LM3875 - my speakers are 5 Ohm ones (Jm-Lab) - so I guess around +/-25V of supply will be more than enough; and which type should I do - inverted or non-inverted one??

Can somebody send the schematic with both of them??

Hmmm, I just did some mods to my amp. I changed the 220 k resistor on the + input of the amp to 18 k, and I put an 22 k resistor from the - input to earth. See the other gainclone thread about unity gain 'clones'.

Also, I added an 100 kHz RC filter on the input of the amp (before the attenuator). This was an idea of Jean-Paul :idea:. I used a 1,3 k non-inductive metal resistor with 1,2 nF styroflex for a -3 dB point of 102 kHz.

The sound is more 'musical' now :)
Far more relaxed. Maybe a tad less dynamic, but defenitely an improvement. Also, stereo placement seems to be better. Of course, the components have to burn in, so let's hope that the sound gets even better!
Thanks JP !!!

Highly recommended in a RF radiating or radioactive environment...

Have fun! :happy1:
Here's a simple way to build power supply. Front and back are 1/4" aluminum plates. 5/8 bars in 4 corners, with screws attatching plates and 1/8" x 2" angles forming the body of PS. On the bottom there is 3/8" acrylic plate holding 400 VA transformer. I used separate windings (around 10) for blue LED. In the left corner, 8 MUR rectifiers.


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