The speed of light is NOT constant

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Planetary mass is affected by internal motions.

All issues are related. It's physically impossible for them not to be.

Kinetic energy is relevant.

Even the weak "Gravity" of the moon is able to attract water and raise ocean levels on earth. Now if the earth did not have mass from internal rotation, the water would continue to rise. After all in this context both items are pretty much "still" or very slow moving, according to us on earth.

This is also why our planet is round, not square or triangle. Materials are constantly trying to reach an equilibrium density, stratify if you will.

This is why lead sinks in water, whereas an air bubble of the same size goes the opposite way.

The farther away from the core we get, the less we are effected. There is 0.3% more gravity at sea level then at the top of Mount Everest.

Now if Gravity were "Magic" as most believe, what stopped the Astronauts from being pulled off the moon and back to earth.

What is it so special about gravity in that space and time?

If you constructed your own sphere the same diameter as the Earth, are you going to have the same gravity of earth?

A better question would be: Could a Static man made object have any gravity at all?

Have you ever got stuck on the side of a Sky Scraper?
It looks like you are close to the roots of the problem. Did you read "Science and Akashic Field" by Dr. Ervin Lazslo?

Ervin László - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Missed that one. Read the Carlos Castandanda series back in school. Enough mystics for me. I am suggesting that what manifests itself as a particle is actually a dimensional confined resonance. If you break a lepton apart, you only get energy, not more particles. What probably makes that invalid is there is a limit to the maximum frequency. I don't remember why, but it seemed a reasonable conjecture.

I would love to raise a pint or two with a real physicist who could correct some of my purely thought experiments. The more we learn, the more we find out nature used the simple solution. M theory is not simple. But what about entropy to explain the expanding universe? So simple no one has bothered to say why not. Quantum entanglement is the one that has me bothered. All the explanations are too complicated.
How do you explain what people consider the "Best Fidelity": Record player and tube amp, these used primitive connections, yet we consider it to be the best sounding design.

I would not put too much weight on fancy connectors for audio just yet. An amplifier has hundreds of internal connections.

It does not matter if you use a fancy superconductor plug, there is a glob of solder isolating the "super plug" from the rest of the circuit.

Can a cable have a sound? Not a properly sized and terminated one.
If you went from small cable with Chinese copper, then went to a proper sized cable with good conductors, then yes I would expect an improvement.

Use a packet switch network (Jitter Buffer), if you think you have the jitters, or see a Doctor.
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