The secret silver capacitor in Vinnie's Signature 30

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" ... This guy is practically selling these amps for face value. I don't think he has any more available, but I know he is willing to do custom orders. ..."

Sounds like a copy to me ... probably not using the quality parts and making $$ from the difference on cheap parts costs ...

Happens all the time on eBay ... and no one should be suprised at the amount of stolen goods on eBay = knockoffs, fences & burgerlers outlet of choice these days. :apathic:
You are entitled to your own opinion about this guy. All I know is I am happy with my purchase. Anyways;) Lets get back to the mystery cap. I just got back prices from thlaudio on these new Mundorf M-Lytic capacitors. They seem pretty reasonable to me price wise to use as a stiffener cap. The 10000uf 50v capacitor costs roughly 13 dollars which is only 3 dollars more then the Nichicon Gold from Michael Percy. Does anyone have experience with these new Mundorf caps?
newbie23 said:
I just got back prices from thlaudio on these new Mundorf M-Lytic capacitors. They seem pretty reasonable to me price wise to use as a stiffener cap. The 10000uf 50v capacitor costs roughly 13 dollars which is only 3 dollars more then the Nichicon Gold from Michael Percy. Does anyone have experience with these new Mundorf caps?

Just installed 4 X 22,000uF Mundorf M-lytics in my Cyrus PSX. They replaced some 15,000uF slit foils and I'm very happy with the sound. In fact, in the UK, It was very difficult to find anything reasonably priced that fitted in the case.
All that cost me ~ £55.

Now... if I lived in the U.S. .............
Vinnie R. said:

Look, I have nothing against DIYing, but it is really rude posting on online forums trying to copy another manufacturer's product.... only to try and sell it. I don't know how one can purchase from someone that does this :confused:


Maybe Vinnie has copied Tripath TK2051 reference board? It is there for that. I hope that the beauty of Signature 30 is not in some components you can watch on a picture.

Diyers are here to copy because it is a way for learning, but when learned we improve.

Mistery cap on Signature 30 should be the close up cap for VCC, input voltage for TP2051 (C37 on RB-TK2051): the bigger the better, but bigger antenna too. It is not so important if you have some 10kuF caps on the PS.

Now some suggestions, from diyer to diyer, to real improvements of Signature 30.

The two solid wires going from PIO caps to the board act as RF antenna.

Standard RB-TK2051 blue Bourns 50K trimmers for output offset are not so precise. Cermet multiturn trimmers allow both channels to have the same offset close to zero.

Standard RB-TK2051 ferrite toroids in the output filter are undersized. T106 sound better, and better core material like MPP sound better too. There are other positive experiences with air core coils (ARC) and copper foil coils.

Standard RB-TK2051 polyester caps are too cheap. Bigger high voltage polypropylene caps are more transparent.

Will Vinnie "copy" this diyer experience made after hundreds posts?

We will be glad for the next Signature amp. :)
If somebody interested I discovered that Signature 30 is not similar to Tripath TK2051 reference board: it IS the RB-TK2051. The manufacturer has just used Tripath gerber files.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

the strange empty holes beside the spoiled bulk cap are there to hold a heatsink in Tripath RB.

The empty pads beside the small electrolytic are for a led in Tripath RB.

The 2 small holes below that cap are one for a spacer, the other to anchor a pcb mounting RCA.

All the printouts on the board are identical to RB-TK2051

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

If I can give a suggestion to the guy that sell clones on ebay, I'd go with the 49€ AMP4 kit at 41hz. It has an improved pcb design for EMI, uses a better TP2050 driver and has on board PS. Add a trafo, a couple of russian PIO caps, et voilà.

Man, you are just so desparate for attention :dead:

No pot kettle needed... first of all, I worked with Tripath on basing my board on the RB-2051. They know their chips a lot better than anyone else, and they knew my application and were willing to help. If you were to ever look at the bottom of the board I use, you'll see that they are NOT identical. I admit that they are close, but NOT identical. If you were to measure the values of the components used, you will also find many differences throughout. Keep posting like you know what you are talking about... you obviously crave the attention!

Secondly, you talk about EMI, RFI, and atennas... have you ever even listened to this amp? You assume that there are EMI / RFI issues and there is some impact on the sound? Is anyone complaining about the sound... I don't think so.

Mistery cap on Signature 30 should be the close up cap for VCC, input voltage for TP2051 (C37 on RB-TK2051): the bigger the better, but bigger antenna too. It is not so important if you have some 10kuF caps on the PS.

Wow, you are just soooo intelligent... thanks for enlightening us!
We need to give you more and more attention, more really deserve it! :rolleyes:

Will Vinnie "copy" this diyer experience made after hundreds posts?

Oh please... spare me! I could care less about your experience... I do things my way and am not looking for your feedback. If you think you can do better.... go for it.

Enough of you, thomaseliot... please return from whence you came.

Newbie23 started this post claiming he knows what power supply cap that I use:

It is undoubtedly a Nichicon KG Gold capacitor probably rated at 8200uf 50v with the outer film stripped off.

Not only was he way off base with both the brand, value, and his theory about the stress relief markings, but in this thread and also in another forum, I mentioned to him that I do not wish to give away specific details... fair enough, right? There are certain parts and values that I use (and I think we can all agree that besides the TK2051 chipset, the external parts and values DO play a very important role in the resulting sound) that I do not want to be copying.

The fact that my board is based off of the RB still doesn't hold relevance to my post that clearly stated that I don't want to discuss the components (brand, values, etc.) that I use, because I do not wish for them to be copied.

If I mentioned the brands and values of each resistor, each inductor, etc.... yes, it could be copied, just like anything else. Again, I hope this statement is a reasonable one as a manufacturer.

Again, feel free to do your own thing and make it better if you can... whatever you want. But to pretend to "DIY" and then ask "what part is this? what value is that?", "what is the input impedance?"... all questions about MY product, is NOT doing-it-yourself :whazzat:

And trying to obtain info on what I do so you can make a copy product and state something along the lines of "just like the Sig 30," or even try to compare it to the Sig 30 to try and leverage attention and sales, is very unethical and pathetic.

We should have a poll on what capacitors have the same stress relief markings as the "silver signature" capacitor. The only problem that exists is the matter of all the generic ones that will appear. I bet a nichicon gold 8200uf bypassed with a 100uf nichicon kz or blackgate FK with a .01uf film bypass would give superior sound to any exotic single cap.

Newbie23, you just don't get the hint... just like your buddy Kevin O'Hara aka "Holyghostfire21" (or are you really Kevin O'Hara)? Keep on asking people for help as a "DIY'er" here so you can try make a few bucks. Can't you do better for yourself?

Thanks to FastEddy, EdT, and others for understanding where I am coming from. Naturally, I would have left everyone here "in peace" (as requested by Newbie23) had this little creep not chummed the waters...
:cop: Personal attacks are not allowed here. I understand that there are some strong feelings, and perhaps understandable ones, but name-calling and insults do not further anyone's points. I have not deleted any posts because the personal stuff is intermeshed with on-point technical discussion, but if people can't stick to the latter, we will have to close the thread and make everyone sit in the corner for a few days.
" ... Naturally, I would have left everyone here "in peace" ... had this [guy] not chummed the waters ... "

Vinnie R. is in the manufacturing business, therefore his work is "propritary" may be copyrighted before or after the fact and, although it is a long shot, possibly patentable.

A method to protection of one's manufacturing output. Many circuit board makers silkscreen copyright notices on their production runs. This means that the board layout and design can not and should not be copied for use in competing products without prior written permission from the engineer / author. It is also possible to copyright the parts lists and information pertaining to special manufacturing procedures like the removal of plastic coating from capacitors in order to protect ones' propriatary design and manufactruing methods and other "tweaks" that may or may not change or improve performance. The same can be said of the owners' manuals and product descriptions, etc. ... But, this very thread will stand up as evidence of Mr. Vinnie R.'s effort to lay claim to a copyright of design and execution. A fait accompli' ...

Bringing us to this:

If others believe that there is a special feature on Mr. Vinnie R.'s circuit that may be a secret, propriatary method, design or feature ... and they feel that it would be useful for them to have on their own individual. personal devices ... then fine, they should be resourceful enough to make their own discoveries using their own knowledge and experience or the help of others. They should not even bother to ask, but procede to experiment and make discoveries for themselves ... that is the "yourself" in "DIY / Do It Yourself" ...

However, if others are seeking to make copies or similarities of Mr. Vinnie R.'s propritary design features and manufactured products, then they should be aware that, even in the absence of specific copyright notices, they are positioning themselves to suffer the full weight of succesful lawsuits. There are several precidents for this, the least of which including Apple Computers' own copyright of their "look and feel" ... and Apple Corp. / Beatles efforts to retain their status as "owners" of "Apple" as pertains to the entertainment industry. (Of course no one wins in law suits, copyright or otherwise, except the lawyers.)

In Mr. Newbie23 wishes to make a similar amplifier to Mr. Vinnie R.'s design, he should do so and discover for himself a substitute for Mr. Vinnie R.'s propriatary capacitor. He may actually improve the breed. However, if Mr. Newbie23 and his associates make a copy of Mr. Vinnie R.'s amplifier board, circuit or any part of his propriatary manufactured design or implimentation, including that propriatary capacitor, In The Manufacture of a Copy or Very Similar Design, then they should be put on notice that they could be suied and that they will most certainly lose.

This very thread will provide ample evidence in court to the above and, I for one, will be happy to offer my written statements to any court in North America in this matter. I have had to do this kind of thing in the past and I am willing to do it again in order to protect and keep whole and healthy our North American copyrights.

End of Story / End of Rant :smash:
I'm sorry already that I chimed in! I know the temptation to get something for nothing, to ride on someone's coat tails. It always backfires. Freedom of information does mean freedom to plagerize. DIY means "do it yourself", not "do it the same way as him" There's a fine line, and to be sure it's not easy to draw.
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