The food thread

Up to 130F internal temp, and hoping to be done in another hour at 250F.


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It is too much work for one bird, but not so bad for two. We will have over 7# of sliced turkey left over to be vacuum sealed and frozen for later consumption.

I will put each carcass in the pressure cooker with a quart of water after slicing whatever I can.

That will yield an additional pound of nuggets plus broth.
Cal, your thrift is going to be your undoing! ;)

First methanol hand sanitizer now Teflon spray on your smoking pucks.......Teflon releases toxic gasses when burnt, silicone also although not as extreme as Teflon. So a spray would transmit enough material to your pucks to concern even me.....and I’ve been drinkin out of mud puddles and eatin road kill since I was a small child! :D
Joined 2002
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BTW why do they spell goat two different ways on the label? It's fun to use my high school Greek to sound out the words phonetically.
gidino” , “gidisio”, then there is a third one : “katsikisio”. All mean exactly the same (goat’s ... )
Scott, how do you use this cheese ?

If you like hard table cheese, you may try some of the "graviera" cheese from Crete.
There are many producers, tastes vary but the more aged/seasoned(>year) and hard, the better (and pricier).

I am kind of partial to Manchego cheese.

This family of Greek chesses is very similar (I frequently buy a piece of Manchego), but here almost 1/2 the price. BTW Spain makes maybe the strongest cheese in the world, Cabrales. There are a lot of interesting disconnects in the cheese world, the biggest maybe Munster. In Germany Munster is a soft washed rind cheese and incredibly stinky, here it's some soft gummy bland industrial cheese.
This family of Greek chesses is very similar (I frequently buy a piece of Manchego), but here almost 1/2 the price. BTW Spain makes maybe the strongest cheese in the world, Cabrales. There are a lot of interesting disconnects in the cheese world, the biggest maybe Munster. In Germany Munster is a soft washed rind cheese and incredibly stinky, here it's some soft gummy bland industrial cheese.

There is a very stinky Norwegian cheese called Gammelost that ends up looking like a bit of sandstone. My Father loved it, but was only allowed to keep it in the fridge to reduce the smell a bit.
There is a very stinky Norwegian cheese called Gammelost that ends up looking like a bit of sandstone. My Father loved it, but was only allowed to keep it in the fridge to reduce the smell a bit.

Try "epoisses" some-time. The aroma of a seldom-emptied diaper pail.

Perhaps the "bachelor farmer cheese" of the songster/comedian Garrison Keillor, now sin-binned by the wokies and me-too crowd.