Technics SL-PG350/450 service manual wanted


I got a faulty SL-PG450 (it is a 120V model) which does not power up, and after opening it I found out that someone has changed the transformer board with one from a different Technics European model, which apparently has totally different outputs(!!!). The problem is that I cannot find the service manual to make sure what the windings of the transformer should be.
If anyone has the service manual of SL-PG350 (or has the player and can measure output voltage of the 4 windings), is it possible to send me a copy of the power supply schematic showing the voltages and the part number of transformer ?(the SL-PG350 service manual should have the schematics needed - the SL-PG450 should have only the differences between 350 and 450)
After watching this youtube video it seems original transformer was RTP1K4E020 (or some modified version with only the 120V pins present - normally the 4E020 has pins for universal voltage selection but the player has no such selector provision).
From cross checking various service manuals of devices with 4E020, I fould that the european equivalent is the RTP1K4B012, but I get controversial info on the voltages of the windings: the service manual of SL-PD847 shows 5.4V - 12.5V - 9.6V-9.6V while the SL-PS700 for the same transformer part number shows 6V - 14.1 - 11.2V-11.2V.

Hello, Andreas.

The secondaries outputs of main interest are going into voltage regulators, so their outputs should be of concern (considering heat not an issue). The other secondaries... well, not easy for me to follow them on schematics of players you mentioned, but they're for VFD's filament through the ON-OFF switch. The primary winding is always connected on mains and I think: the entire electronics is always ON, except for VFD? That would be a crude planned obsolence...
Sorry I can't anwer exacly your questions.

Best regards,
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