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Support for Botic Linux driver

just got up and running using Squeezelite on the BBB. All works nicely out of the box.
There is one little hickup with DSD playback, i am getting background noise which i can not get rid off. Music plays stereo and okay but there is a hissing sound like strong rain outside.
I am using a Buffalo IIISE feeding clock from Cronus to DAC supply voltage is 5.25V on spot with the Placid. No Botic settings changed, all stock.
Calling Squeezelite with -> squeezelite -o hw:CARD=Botic,DEV=0

Where i was unsure are the Resistors on the Cronus, currently all in R1 to R7
just got up and running using Squeezelite on the BBB. All works nicely out of the box.
There is one little hickup with DSD playback, i am getting background noise which i can not get rid off. Music plays stereo and okay but there is a hissing sound like strong rain outside.
I am using a Buffalo IIISE feeding clock from Cronus to DAC supply voltage is 5.25V on spot with the Placid. No Botic settings changed, all stock.
Calling Squeezelite with -> squeezelite -o hw:CARD=Botic,DEV=0

Where i was unsure are the Resistors on the Cronus, currently all in R1 to R7
try with -D option:
squeezelite -D -o hw:CARD=Botic,DEV=0
 squeezelite -h
for availabe options
just got up and running using Squeezelite on the BBB. All works nicely out of the box.
There is one little hickup with DSD playback, i am getting background noise which i can not get rid off. Music plays stereo and okay but there is a hissing sound like strong rain outside.
I am using a Buffalo IIISE feeding clock from Cronus to DAC supply voltage is 5.25V on spot with the Placid. No Botic settings changed, all stock.
Calling Squeezelite with -> squeezelite -o hw:CARD=Botic,DEV=0

Where i was unsure are the Resistors on the Cronus, currently all in R1 to R7

Is there any step by step "how to" ? I would like to have the squuezelite on BBB but don"t know from where to start...
Is there any step by step "how to" ? I would like to have the squuezelite on BBB but don"t know from where to start...

Of course firstly you have to install LMS software (Logitech Media Server) on one of the computers in your network. You can download newest 7.9 LMS software from:
Some Software Beta Downloads - Version 7.9

Alternatively if you have spare Raspberry PI 2 or 3 you can install Picoreplayer (squeezelite player+LMS) using prepared image:
In this case you would have two squeezelite players (one on RPI and second on BBB).

Secondly you need install squeezelite software on your BBB. Assuming you have the newest botic then:
##update time
ntpdate pool.ntp.org

##make squeezelite directory
mkdir -m 755 /opt/squeezelite

##change directory
cd /opt/squeezelite

##download the latest armv6hf.tar.gz version from [URL]https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmsclients/files/squeezelite/linux/[/URL]. For example:
wget 'http://netcologne.dl.sourceforge.net/project/lmsclients/squeezelite/linux/squeezelite-1.8.5-809-armv6hf.tar.gz'

##unpack. There are two version in the archive. The larger has ffmpeg support and facilitate decoding alc, wma, wmap, wmal streams
tar -xzf squeezelite-1.8.5-809-armv6hf.tar.gz

## if you use ffmpeg version remove unneeded file
rm squeezelite-armv6hf

##rename neaded file
mv squeezelite-armv6hf-ffmpeg squeezelite

## create symlink to /usr/local/bin
ln -s /opt/squeezelite/squeezelite /usr/local/bin/squeezelite

# add user
adduser squeezelite

## create empty file (for service configuration) and make it executable
touch /etc/init.d/squeezelite
chmod  -R 755 /etc/init.d/squeezelite

##open empty file /etc/init.d/squeezelite using the text editor e.g. WINSCP  paste text below and save. Analize careffuly '$USER --exec /usr/local/bin/squeezelite -- -o hw:CARD=Botic,DEV=0 -p 55 -n BBB -C 1' line and adjust to your needs . To review squeezelite available option type 'squeezelite -h'.

# Provides:          squeezelite
# Required-Start:    $All
# Required-Stop:     $syslog
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Squeezelite player
# Description:       Service script for squeezelite, command line squeezebox player
# Output device can be found by running squeezelite -l


case "$1" in
    echo "Starting Squeezelite"
    start-stop-daemon --start --quiet -b -m -p /var/run/squeezelite.pid --chuid $USER --exec /usr/local/bin/squeezelite -- -o hw:CARD=Botic,DEV=0 -p 55 -n BBB -C 1
    echo "Stopping Squeezelite"
    start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/squeezelite.pid
    rm -f /var/run/squeezelite
    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/squeezelite {start|stop|restart}"
    exit 1
exit 0

##add squeezelite service to automatic start during bbb boot
systemctl enable squeezelite.service

## to start/stop squeezelite manually just type/paste '/etc/init.d/squeezelite start' and '/etc/init.d/squeezelite stop'. Try:
/etc/init.d/squeezelite start
If you receive similar message:
squeezelite: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by squeezelite)
Try to update glibc (be careful because the forum editor masks 'http://ftp.debian.org/debian' address in the first line):
printf "\ndeb [URL="http://ftp.debian.org/debian"]Index of /debian[/URL] sid main\n" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get -t sid install libc6 libc6-dev libc6-dbg
sed -i '$s/^/#/' /etc/apt/sources.list
Hope this helps:)
Of course firstly you have to install LMS software (Logitech Media Server) on one of the computers in your network. You can download newest 7.9 LMS software from:
Some Software Beta Downloads - Version 7.9

Alternatively if you have spare Raspberry PI 2 or 3 you can install Picoreplayer (squeezelite player+LMS) using prepared image:
In this case you would have two squeezelite players (one on RPI and second on BBB).

Secondly you need install squeezelite software on your BBB. Assuming you have the newest botic then:
Hope this helps:)

Thank you so much for your help.
I've already a PI with LMS on a Raspbian Jessie Lite that I'm using with a Logitech Touch.

I have to set up my Hermes/Chronus/BBB from scratch, so I'm also missing the step to have the boticized BBB...
Is there an image ready for BBB with latest botic ?
Installation of latest Debian stable with Botic

Hi all,

as I'm now in the mood for playing a bit with a newer OS version for my botic (on BBB), I was looking arround for a how-to. A post before there is the "old way", and as I think it is based on a old Debian basis.
As I have glitches when using BubbleUPnP to connect Tiday streaming to the Botice Player, I thought of updating the old mpd to a newer one, preferebly to one from the backports and apply the DSD patches from lintweaker. (Are the build in DSD patches from Debain in mpd 0.19x already sufficient?)

What are the steps to a new installation?
1) Getting a new Debian stable (or testing) for BBB is easy, we don't need a GUI, just headerless.
NTP time fixing and apt-get dist-upgrade
And then?
Just doing the scripts from https://github.com/miero/boticize ?

Thank you for your help!
I am not able to flashed the image to the eMMC, not sure what I did I wrong ??? Tried to re-download the image still does not work... the flash sequence does not start... I try the NAA image the leds sequence shows it's flashing the eMMC... but Ray's image the leds just blink on the first led... any advice ?? I also wanted to try a fresh install of Debian stretch but I could figure it out the correct way to do it... any ideas ?? Thanks

The new image seems to have uploaded successfully.

Just a note to make people aware that the image will flash your eMMC at first boot so you may want to back up any current image that is of value to you.

Having copied the image onto your uSD, insert it and boot from the uSD (hold the boot switch down on the BBB for a few seconds initially). The image will be flashed to the eMMC (takes about 10mins or so). On completion, power off, remove the uSD, and restart.

Login/password are debian/temppwd.

I downloaded Ray's image yesterday (Thank You, Ray) and tried in in my BBB.
I had the same experience that you did. Flashing the eMMC did not occur. Being a bit perplexed by this today I did a bit of research and found the following instructions from this web page; debian - Unable to Flash eMMC from SD Card BeagleBone Black - Stack Overflow

Did you remember to remove the "#" at the beginning of the line cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/init-eMMC-flasher-v3.sh ? To make this edit, which will cause the SD card to automatically flash any bbb you turn on with the SD card in it, you just need to follow these steps.
1. Connect your bbb to a power source (USB or DC work equally well)
2. Power off the bbb by pressing the power button.
3. Insert your SD card.
4. Power the bbb on.
5. Log in to SSH (I like putty for this) with port 22 and IP
6. execute: cd .. sudo nano boot/uEnv.txt
7.navigate to the line #cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/init-eMMC-flasher-v3.sh at the bottom of the txt file.
8. Delete the "#" at the beginning of the line.
9. control+x then "y" then "Enter key" to save your change and exit the txt file.
10. Reboot the BBB and the SD card should automatically flash to your BBB which will be indicated by the LED's following this pattern for (in my experience) about 10 minutes. LED pattern: 1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1... etc..

I took a look at uEnv.txt in Ray's image and it does indeed have that line commented out.
Personally I would rather not flash my eMMC so I will leave it as it is.
I took a look at uEnv.txt in Ray's image and it does indeed have that line commented out.
Personally I would rather not flash my eMMC so I will leave it as it is.

Yes sorry, my bad, I forgot to mention before that the current image needs to have the uEnv.txt edited to flash the eMMC. The earlier image had the flash enabled but I thought people would prefer to choose but then forgot to post anything about it.

Anyway, hope you enjoy.

I've prepared the bbb scripts on the repo,
so you can clone it and start building the images (I think it will ease up your work...)

There is a new repo for the bbb platform files:

But during development you can just move over the files in the script without using it...

You can see the new scripts for bbb:

They should be pretty straightforwarding, but I've added some comments inside to guide you a bit...

After you've set up your dev environment (I suggest a debian one, but also ubuntu will work but you need to edit multistrap a bit, see the readme).
just launch :

./build.sh -b arm -d bbb -v 2.001

Let me know!


Hi mikelangeloz,
Thank for your great work.
I success build the image of volumio 2 for BBB but when I install in SD Card and it's seem not running ( it's back to default OS of beaglebone). I will check the output of console later.
And I have another issue is when using BBB with Volumio 1.5 then the I2S output is only 48kHz ( also when I play with 192kHz) and I don't know how to change it's. It's also always 32 bit per sample in oscilloscope and sample frequency is 48kHz.
Can you teach me how to see what happen here by using SSH?
Thank a lot
Hi miero. Just wondering if you have any update regarding my request for a mute trigger to be exposed on the BBB headers by Botic.

You may recall, I would like the ability to trigger a mute relay (or similar) with a DSD-only decoder (such as the Signalyst DSC1) which can be prone to pops/clicks during codec changes.

If the header pin used isn't one isolated by Hermes I can add my own isolation.


I just booted up botic v4 for the first time. Upgraded to v7rc1-larger buffers.
Changed network config to static IP.
Now on to mounting my NAS as a cifs share -
miero said:
1b) mount remote storage into /data directory
mkdir /data/remote
nano /etc/fstab
# windows share directory (cifs)
//IP_ADDRESS_OR_HOSTNAME/REMOTE_DIRECTORY /data/remote cifs user=USER_NAME,pass=PASSWORD,cache=none,gid=audio
I would prefer to mount my network share as /mnt/nas
Obviously I would then change the MPD configuration to set this location as my music directory ...

... but would I be missing out on anything else by not using the /data directory?
ie. are there any other features of botic, such as internet streaming for example, which point to /data??
Could someone comment on the differences between versions v5 and v7rc1.:confused:
What has been added or improved?
Does it make an improvement, sound wise?

Thanks, Ichi

You might want to check this comment by miero for the detailed info on v7rc1.

For a while I've been using this version without any problems. I2C control of B3SE from BBB-Hermes works fine. The SQ via MPD is quite stable. Currently I'm running this version on a debian stretch distro with newly compiled MPD-0.18.23-dsd-rt and MPD-19.19 (patched with realtime option), both capable of playing native DSD512 sources.

Also, this version with debian stretch works fine as an NAA (network audio adapter for HQ player) as suggested by miero and Ray and also as a RoonBridge for Roon library. I'm using these options and MPD alternatively on a single debian system.
