Summer Project - Replication of MBL loudspeaker 101mkII


Finished speaker


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How loud do they go?
At every HE show MBL make a point of always playing them louder than necessary. They play cleanly at high volumes easily. It gets a a little tiring after awhile, but this sells speakers
FWIW At a recent Av installation company that deals with high end equipment. They had the double stack MBL,s with their subs and amps playing. The fellow in front of me had a RTA that I could watch easily. On a least 7 songs I noticed a seagull shaped frequency response with the mids taking a decided dip in comparison.
They were set up in a HT room for demo.
We were sitting ground level and they shouldn,t have any vertical dispersion issues that would explain the dip, so not sure the reason
The sound field was a little diffuse but very nice and clean. They switched to reel to reel half way thru, and it wiped the digital out easily. Easy to hear the change.
Put on by the Orange County audiophile society meet.

Yes they do get exiting when played loud the dynamics really pop. Actually the mbl speakers are not designed to play vertically. Quote from Jurgen Reis chief engineer. The MBL 101X-treme's Radialstrahler drivers radiate sound evenly over 360 degrees. The speaker becomes limited in terms of vertical dispersion -- Reis pointed out we don't listen crawling on the floor or jumping to the ceiling
I was not satisfied with the build quality. I will Build a new unit fixing and building upon the errors in the build. I have designed 2 new top plates to be tested they are different in geometry. The plan is to build a testing rig as well as a listening rig. So that different units can be directly compared.
I have listened to these speakers a few years ago at HI-Fi Arena in Bucharest. A special sound but hard to replicate the speakers...atleast in my opinion. But I see that you had the courage to go get your project started and even managed to complete a large part of it. I wonder how it will sound at the end.