Storm Audio Vertigo V55 information

I've bought a Storm Audio V55 amplifier which had the description of a burning smell coming from it, turns out it had itself a little bonfire on one of the boards ( see photo ). Does anyone have any service information, schematics, access to spares etc?


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I have always followed a simple rule...
"Never buy a broken device for which you cannot find a diagram, service manual or technical information, especially when it is known to have a strange schematic ".
The luck you have is that the PCBs are mirrored, so you can create a right PCB from the left PCB, but it will require a lot of work and time, without counting on the debugging of the new PCB, without no data.
All I was able to understand about their work is that they created an amp circuit whose feedback works both in voltage and in current, what I also understood is which they quickly abandoned to move on to more “digital” things.
Good luck .
I have always followed a simple rule...
"Never buy a broken device for which you cannot find a diagram, service manual or technical information, especially when it is known to have a strange schematic ".
The luck you have is that the PCBs are mirrored, so you can create a right PCB from the left PCB, but it will require a lot of work and time, without counting on the debugging of the new PCB, without no data.
All I was able to understand about their work is that they created an amp circuit whose feedback works both in voltage and in current, what I also understood is which they quickly abandoned to move on to more “digital” things.
Good luck .
The amp wasn't expensive and the case is nice, working 30v secondary transformer with soft start, softens the money spent.

I believe the original company sold all there patents to the one now calling them StormAudio
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The amp wasn't expensive and the case is nice, working 30v secondary transformer with soft start, softens the money spent.

Perfect for putting something else in .
I bought an Audio Analogue Puccini settanta Rev2 a pittance for the same reason.

I believe the original company sold all there patents to the one now calling them StormAudio
Yep ...