SpeakerSim speaker simulation software

Hey LightBit, I tried downloading SpeakerSim on Mac, but Apple being perverse decided it wasn't in the mood and wouldn't download, so as enticing as your software is, I'm stuck still looking for a X-over tool for my Mac. One of the very few regrets about going over to the dark side. Windows sucks and I was glad to get rid of it. Perhaps not today though...

I really don't fancy the "Apple Crossover" thing running Windows parallel to my Mac...

Cheers, Martin
Hi planet10, LightBit,

I got down to the last operation and it came up something like "can't download this file, don't recognise the file, it's from an unknown source, not in the mood, having a bad day..." Or something like that. All that waiting and Apple throws a wobbly.

I'll try again but not expecting much. Pity cos it looks like decent sorftware...

Cheers, Martin
***Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers.

Google Chrome downloaded this file today at 1:36 pm from drive.google.com.****

This what I get, so I looked into security settings. But nothing changed after fiddling around. Bugger
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You need to make sure that the part pointed to by the red arrow is as shown,




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I want to create some concept schematics to show you how you would integrate SPICE as a crossover editor.

It basically involves using SPICE to generate the response and impedance information from an arbitrary crossover designed by the user. Speakersim then uses the driver impedance, acoustic impedance and response information on it's side to determine system output.

This function would allow users to design crossovers not only for voltage amps, but for current drive amps, series crossovers, nested crossovers, matrix crossovers, etc. because the SPICE engine can solve any circuit down to a few inputs and outputs for SpeakerSim.

Do you have a simple crossover example in SpeakerSim which I can recreate in SPICE, or do I need to make it myself?
My idea is to avoid the difficulty of importing .frd and impedance info into SPICE, SPICE will just be used to generate the multi-port behavior and SpeakerSim will use multi-port equations on the data, which are much easier to hard code than a circuit matrix solver and schematic editor.

This way users will not need to know any advanced information about SPICE, just construct the crossover in the schematic editor.

Two-port network - Wikipedia

How hard would it be to implement the multi-port matrix compared to a 2-port matrix? Wouldn't you just be increasing the size of the matrix?

My schematic generates port gain and port impedance, so it would be a z-parameter network.
How hard would it be to implement the multi-port matrix compared to a 2-port matrix? Wouldn't you just be increasing the size of the matrix?
If I get 2-port matrix working it should be easy, but I would have to do major interface changes. I don't want to do that just to later fail at implementing any SPICE support.

I'm not sure, if I really understand what you mean by not importing *.frd.
For me it would be easiest, if I put complex impedance in some SPICE library (haven't found one yet) and get complex impedance out.