Smaller Leach Amp V1

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You have to practice to get good results.

I have soldered stuff for the last 15 years and have learned the craft of soldering while I was doing my apprentices ship to become an electronics mechanic.

Get some test boards and the right tools and practice before venturing into a project that you pay serious $$$ for!

I use an old Weller soldering iron with temperature controlled magnetic tips.
I also use a solder sucker and stranded copper de-soldering wire.

I have not yet ruined any of the Leach boards, but then again I have only assembled 5 or so.

Keep practicing and you too will become a great craftsman!

Lol - I usually don't have a problem soldering although I normally don't solder 2.4mm thick boards with through hole plating.

Well the rest of my transformers have arrived - as well as my digicam.
So you can have a look at my Gallery

The PCB displayed is one I had done here in South Africa, and the transformers are 300VA 40-0-40 's (12 In Total - 2 channels are on test at a buddies house )
Sorry for digging this thread up but I have some questions

I just finished a couple of amps. (KSA50 clone and Aleph-X) Whenever I complete an amp I always do a bit of comparison listening to all of the amps I have, to determine how the new amp stacks up. Well while listening. I noticed that this Low TIM has a rather harsh high end compared to my other amps. It's not awful just a little annoying. I know a lot of folks bought boards for this amp but there wasn't a large response afterward so I don't know if others have experienced this as well.

I would like to hear from some of the guys who bought and built this amps to see how well they liked it.

Perhaps someone has an idea of how to mellow out the highs. Maybe it is just a trait of the Leach.

Blessings, Terry
Terry - I havn't had the chance to do a direct comparison between the Leach & a Krell / Aleph, however I have compared it to some mid level "audiophile" gear, NAD, Rotel. I have also built Mauro Penasa's LM3886 which alot of people rave about and the Leach gives all of these a big hiding - to such an extent I am building 12 channels.

Possibly it is just me & my setup.
Hi Ross,

Thanks for responding. On my Leach, at first listen, it sounds very "HiFi". But after switching back and forth between my P101, two Krell KSA 50's, my Aleph-X and a Soundcraftsmen PCR800, it is clear that this Leach is a bit harsh in the high end. Cymbols have too much sizzle and the High-hat a little to much of a crash sound. It could just be my amp, that is why I'm asking. I used a regulator on the front end and I used a Hafler tranformer. It could be that my amp is oscillating too I haven't checked for that. I just wanted to get some reviews from others who have built these to see if anyone else has heard what I'm hearing.

Thanks, Terry
still4given said:

I just finished a couple of amps. (KSA50 clone and Aleph-X) Whenever I complete an amp I always do a bit of comparison listening to all of the amps I have, to determine how the new amp stacks up. Well while listening. I noticed that this Low TIM has a rather harsh high end compared to my other amps.

Blessings, Terry

Hi Terry,

maybe this is a not unexpected Class AB/ClassA effect?

Probably the Leach doesn't keep your feet as warm either ;-)


Byrd said:
Hey Kewl - pleasure

I also find it a bit odd that there have not been that many respondants on complete amps.

PS - What voltage does the Krell Run off? Think I will try & build one over Christmas

For my first Krell I uses a single 30-0-30 50vA transformer. The second one I used two 28-0-28 400va transformers. I can't hear any difference between them. My guess is that it would have worked perfectly with just one 28-0-28. During testing I used a 25-0-25 300vA and it played just fine.

AndrewT said:
Hi Byrd,
go over to the KSA50 thread for full info, but here's a taster.
Use 25V-0-25V upto 30V-0-30V, 400VA upto 500VA transformer per channel.

What Andrew said. Also check out the KSA50 Wiki

bremen nacht said:

Hi Terry,

maybe this is a not unexpected Class AB/ClassA effect?

Probably the Leach doesn't keep your feet as warm either ;-)



Hi Chris,

I'm sure that has some to do with it though my P101 is AB and has smoother high end. I'm thinking about raising the bias to see if that will help. This is the only Leach I've ever heard and it just might be the way they sound. That's why I'm asking. And yes, the Leach doesn't run as warm as the Krells or Aleph but it runs a lot warmer than the P101.

Blessings, Terry
Thx Andrew & Terry will check it out. Just wanted to know as I have 2 large 32-0-32 toroids here I am looking for something to do with. Anybody got any opinions on a Krell compared to an Aleph?

Terry - did you use the silvered mica caps? Before I had a better front end I "THOUGHT" I noticed a difference between the ceramics & the silvered mica's - though this could just be a psychoacoustic effect. My bias is around 180mA.

I have also heard Rod Elliots P3a & in my opinion it sounded muddy.

Not to say that it was - that is just my opinion

Damn - if only we could teleport amps ;)

Cheers dudes.
Byrd said:
Thx Andrew & Terry will check it out. Just wanted to know as I have 2 large 32-0-32 toroids here I am looking for something to do with. Anybody got any opinions on a Krell compared to an Aleph?

Terry - did you use the silvered mica caps? Before I had a better front end I "THOUGHT" I noticed a difference between the ceramics & the silvered mica's - though this could just be a psychoacoustic effect. My bias is around 180mA.

I have also heard Rod Elliots P3a & in my opinion it sounded muddy.

Not to say that it was - that is just my opinion

Damn - if only we could teleport amps ;)

Cheers dudes.

Hi Byrd,

Yes I used mica caps.

right now I do have an opinion on Krell vs. Aleph, but I've only built the Aleph-X and I didn't use the recomended output devices so that may have some baring on my results. The AX is much weaker in the bass. All of my amps stomp all over it in that department. The Krell is much more open sounding to me. For my money there is no comparison. I am going to change out the outpust in the AX to see if it will bring it around but I don't have my hopes very high. The problem with DIY is that we all make compromises as we build so many times no two amps are the same. I sure heard a lot of folks praising the AX. Perhaps it is just the way I built it. If I were the one being asked, I would recomend the Krell, hands down.

I'm listening to the Leach right now through my Event 20/20 nearfields and it sounds quite nice. Pehaps it just needs some EQ.:angel:

Blessings, Terry
Hi Terry,

I to have purchased a couple of boards from Jen's and was waiting to hear from others like yourself as to how theirs was going, (sound, etc).

You have me a little worried know though!!!

So I would just like to put my 2 cents worth in by saying that I (and others on this forum) think that when you get to the upper heights of audio, (and this is after all where we all are trying to reach within our own budgets of course) you need to look for every little improvement you can make to the design particularly with regards to component selection and layout.

For my amp I have been milling over whether or not to shell out for some exspensive resistors "Riken Carbon film" (Lord knows I can't afford Tantilum films), because everyone (mainly Tube guys granted) seem to think that they impart a smoother sound to the amp and after hearing your coments re the problems you are having I will wait a little longer so that I can afford them.

The same goes for the power supply. I hope to run seperate transformers for both outputs and front ends. I am also still realing from the price of "good quality front end filter capacitors that will mount on the board. (How much can I sell that 1st born for?)

I guess what I am trying to say is, I only build amp every few years if that. So I will be trying to obtain the very best I can get out of the design I can afford.

I admier all you who just get out there and build these things at what seems to a faster rate than a factory could. But I ask myself what is this for and at the end of the day (for me) to sit down and listen to my favourite musical piece and get up and go to bed with this silly grin on my face knowing what I have just listened too has yet again amazed me for the ### number of times is what it is all about.

I would very much appreciate yours and others thoughts on this and maybe there might be a solution there for you worries.

In a closing note if you have looked at Hugh Deans web site you will note the differance in price from standard kit to Nirvana Plus upgrade is $460.00 Au extra!! That is almost 2/3 extra. One would hope that there would be a great leap in sound quality for that much. But alass there is that exponential curve again!!


Loboone said:
I admire all you who just get out there and build these things at what seems to a faster rate than a factory could.

Terry is amazing. :clown:

I've got so many other things i have to do, assembling amplifiers usually ranks last.
Making it worse, i'm a perfectionist scrooge.(that's how my ladyfriend calls me).
Collecting the exact right parts for bottom dollar i easily postpone a project 6 months or more for. The patience i have for making a saving mindboggles even me sometimes.
Even worth getting a backwash for, as i just now seem to have fooled myself with a deal on Motorola TO3 devices.
Thinking and re-thinking about how to do something, and finding exactly what i desire, is what is a large part of the fun for me. If i just wanted a top notch amplifier i'd buy one.
I've been out of the audio game for 10 years, and made a list of 10 projects. For all 10 i'm collecting parts, boards, making boards. If i get 1 or 2 finished in a year's time i am content.

I haven't built Jens' version of the Leach amp yet, but the ones I built on Professor Leach's boards using "standard" resistors are very good. There are some radio shack resistors in one channel because I didn't order enough of a couple values from digikey. I cannot tell which one listening to it.

My A75s are a little smoother, with a little more detail. Perhaps this is what Terry is describing as harshness in his Leach. I run my Leach at 125 mA bias (two pairs of outputs).

My Leach amps are in my office, and used all day, every day. I bought 8 of Jens' boards if that helps you feel more comfortable.
jacco vermeulen said:

Terry is amazing. :clown:

I've got so many other things i have to do, assembling amplifiers usually ranks last.
Making it worse, i'm a perfectionist scrooge.(that's how my ladyfriend calls me).
Collecting the exact right parts for bottom dollar i easily postpone a project 6 months or more for. The patience i have for making a saving mindboggles even me sometimes.
Even worth getting a backwash for, as i just now seem to have fooled myself with a deal on Motorola TO3 devices.
Thinking and re-thinking about how to do something, and finding exactly what i desire, is what is a large part of the fun for me. If i just wanted a top notch amplifier i'd buy one.
I've been out of the audio game for 10 years, and made a list of 10 projects. For all 10 i'm collecting parts, boards, making boards. If i get 1 or 2 finished in a year's time i am content.

and i though i was the only one! glad to find company jacco.
btw, i remember sanken used to make to3's like those!

"Well while listening. I noticed that this Low TIM has a rather harsh high end compared to my other amps. "

There may be something amiss, they usually sound 'soft' in the highs compared to other amps. This is true of even the original Leach, the v4.5 is even 'softer' sounding. The bass on both is 'rock hard', the lack of 'mud' may make the overall balance seem a bit 'lean' on some speakers, but not 'bright' or 'harsh'.
djk said:
"Well while listening. I noticed that this Low TIM has a rather harsh high end compared to my other amps. "

There may be something amiss, they usually sound 'soft' in the highs compared to other amps. This is true of even the original Leach, the v4.5 is even 'softer' sounding. The bass on both is 'rock hard', the lack of 'mud' may make the overall balance seem a bit 'lean' on some speakers, but not 'bright' or 'harsh'.

Harsh may be too strong a term, but for sure this amp is not soft sounding. Like I said, it is very "HiFi" sounding. I remember when I first fired it up thinking, WOW, listen to all that detail! It may be that I have just grown accustom to the sound of the Krell, which could be described as soft sounding in the highs. The music I was using to judge them was synthetic. The cymbals are a bit harsh to start with. It could be that the Leach just made that more apparent. I was listening to some of my favorite jazz through it last night and it was very good.

I didn't start all of this to scare anyone away from building this amp. I was more wondering if anyone else found them to be bright and what they may have done to ease that a little. Like I said, I could probably just use a little EQ to tame the high-end if necessary. I'm also thinking that my transformer may be running out of steam on the transients making the cymbals and snare a little harsh. I'm not sure.

I tried some things new for this PSU that I hadn't tried before. I ran one transformer but two bridges, one for each channel with a pair of 28,000uf filter caps per channel. I think the transformer is only 7A.

Also, someone earlier in the thread suggested that I may be getting some oscillation since it seems to run a little warm. Warmer than my P101 at any rate. I'll try to hook up my scope this week and see if I can see anything.

Blessings, Terry
I think some of the sonic difference might come from different DC currents in the output stage. There are 3 pairs in the clone version so you should adjust the DC current to fit the same currents in every pair compared the the original two pairs.

I noticed a change in the hights when adjusting the DC current, and recommend to adjust and listen until you like the sound.

JensRasmussen said:
I think some of the sonic difference might come from different DC currents in the output stage. There are 3 pairs in the clone version so you should adjust the DC current to fit the same currents in every pair compared the the original two pairs.

I noticed a change in the hights when adjusting the DC current, and recommend to adjust and listen until you like the sound.


Hi Jens,

Can you dumb that down a little so a knucklehead like me can understand? Maybe give me the step by step instructions how to do that. Which componants need to be adjusted? I think you are on the right track, I just don't have a clue what you mean. :xeye:

Thanks, Terry
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