• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Small 1W hifi amp

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That Mullard designed SE 6BM8/ECL82 circuit is interesting. When reverse connected, the requisite 80 mA. RMS is available, at approx. 230 VAC, from the 2X 10 VA Talema trafos Andrea already has. SS rectification should bring the B+ rail in at just about the proper value. :)

Connect the 6BM8 heaters in series, add a 2 W./ 1.5 Ohm resistor to each end of the heater string, and a 2.5 A./15 VAC "wall wart" drives the whole "shebang". I don't know if such a "wall wart" can be had, "off the shelf". In any event, a 50 VA Amveco toroid trafo can be used to fabricate the "wall wart".

While some changes, including elimination of controls, are needed to Mullard's design, it seems the office ipod amp project might take flight.
Here goes the amp part, credit goes to MS Paint ...


  • ecl82.gif
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Here I'm!

Sorry for the delay but I'm full immersion with work and I couldn't do my hobby :mad:

I make the schematic and PCB with Eagle... I don't like PCB too much because there are a lot of vias but this is the best I can make :dead:

Could someone check the schematic and pcb and told me if there are any errors or some modification to do?




  • 1watt.zip
    55.1 KB · Views: 146
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