Self contained electric acoustic u-bass

I might get around to posting a recording, though I'm not sure I want to embarrass myself - I'm no bass expert like this

You can see why I put the speaker on the back if you compare my uke aesthetically with my friend's uke that I got the inspiration from, see pictures attached. I wanted mine to not be obviously electric...and I knew that the sound would be heard from the front no problem, since the low frequencies are not really directional at all.

I am SO impressed. Had this idea and chatted about it for years. Friends laughed it off, put it down. Didn't have the focus to persist. Bought a coupel of battery powered bass amps. Experimented with feedback by shoving them in the body. You did it. Congrats...Well F done!! Champ!
Many thanks for all the effusive praise, very gratifying! It was fun to try, and to be fair, I was copying my friend's build, and he is an inventor with patents to his name, and a very smart engineer, so with his advice on what he thought he did wrong, it was pretty easy...

Since I am in lock-down, and working from home, I had a little time to dash off some slightly embarrassing recordings that hopefully give an idea of how the uke sounds. I wanted to upload wavs, but the files were too big, so I had to make 320kbps mp3s instead unfortunately. Also, these were recorded with my Sennheiser wireless headset from my work desk into Audacity, so not the most ideal set up, but hopefully it gives an idea...


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When you are all done laughing at me "playing" the bass...

I'd be interested to know if it sounds like people imagined, or better, or worse? Any suggestions for a better recording that don't involve me shelling out for loads of kit? I was going to try a recording with my webcam when I next have it on my PC (it's usually in the other room, and yes, I really am that lazy...). "playing" the bass...
Thanks for posting the clips!

I'm a decent guitarist. On bass, not so much. I dabble in bass when making my home recordings, and I never achieve that impeccable rock-solid groove that all good bassists have. I just haven't spent enough hours with a bass and a metronome, tightening up my timing. It probably doesn't help that I play guitar mostly with a pick, but bass with two fingers.

I think that's all you need, as well - some hours with your metronome and bass 'uke. The instrument sounds good, now it's all about tightening up the timing when you play.

In my limited experience, bass is the hardest thing to record well. It doesn't help that the sound of a bass changes a lot with location inside a room - it might be very boomy in one place, and weak and tinny somewhere else.

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the kind words. I don't actually have a final list of components. Post 52 links most of the components I changed, and Post 30 links the driver I ended up with, which was chosen because it is a neo and therefore very light, but as sensitive a driver as I could find in the size I could fit in my instrument, so any driver change such as looking at a DML would have to consider all this. My memory is that DML drivers can be less sensitive?

as far as a diagram, do you mean the wiring? or how I laid it out within the body of the instrument? I don't have anything since I kind of made it up as I went along, but with some time I may be able to napkin sketch something, lmk.