Rega rewired - results

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A high mass plinth will have surprisingly little effect on the sound

At least at frequencies where the springs isolate rather than couple. I have little doubt that the plinth will still be audible.

At the time when i was still a proud L07 owner, struggling to get the wretched thing to play half-decent, i experimented a lot with air isolation. A very soft inner tube sandwitched between two 50mm chunks of slate. It may seem strange but it was clearly audible if the lower plate was slate or something else like mdf. Apparently the inner tube did a decent job of coupling at mid frequencies.

If you don't want vibration, don't let it occur to begin with is my philosophy.

Good philosophy for the Almighty but us mere mortals don't get such absolute control upon vibration. And throwing mass at the problem is a sure way to get it worse.
sreten said:
A high mass plinth will have surprisingly little effect on the sound

analog_sa said:

I have little doubt that the plinth will still be audible.

I don't like being quoted out of context :

sreten said:
A high mass plinth will have surprisingly little effect on the sound
of a high Q (no foam in the springs) suspended subchassis design.

Well IMO your completely wrong.

:) sreten.
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