rAudio-1 (Arch-based music player for all Raspberry Pi's)

Hi @Raitsa

I like the new swipe interface for accessing the playlist, Album it's really nice compared to Moode and Volumio, I preferred Moode since for me it was stable, and also I could set the color for the audio like preset.

Currently, I am using the Wave Share 7" display connected via DSI port to the RPi 3 but it is slow to respond to the touch,
When in the Album view when we scroll from the middle of the screen going up or down a couple of rows of albums then it goes to the playlist. - is there something wrong that I am doing?ads

Also, how do I do next, previous from the attached local display and navigate to the setting to switch off the device?
Hi @Raitsa,

I figured out how to get to the menu and a few other things that I had an issue with.
Now I am trying to get the Playback options to work on the attached display and it's not happing like under the options column 1) Bars always on, 2) meter as default, 3) Disable Swipe and remove Time from Show option.
Hey @Raitsa

One observation, if we have Spotify streaming ( after logging ) and we close the Spotify app from the phone - Spotify stops playing on the RPi this is understood but what caught my eye was Web radio started to play without showing new album art, and its metadata instead it showed Spotify album art and related metadata. ;)

Note: Web radio was previously playing and interrupted it with Spotify via airplay.

There seems to be a refresh issue.

My Waveshare display is 800 X 480 so when the Browser is at 100% the top and bottom row buttons are not displayed - is it possible to have an auto render for DSI display or select display by size ie pixel.

If we want to have the full screen correctly displayed we need to reduce 100% Zoom to 70% Zoom.
User guide still won't display no matter what I try. I'm assuming that since no one has supplied any info regarding a pdf version there isn't one? Really sad TBH, I really like the software but have other questions which I would like to think the user guide would address but oh well.

Joined 2002
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A) Cannot get a bit out of rAudio-player (Pi4+Hifiberry Digi2Pro).
B) DAB station search =0
C) NAS-library needs to be easier to setup

I do not do programming. Please let me know when this is fixed...
And...please, text/labels to go with ALL the symbols, not all are universal/KISS
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Go to
IP of your rAudio/settings.php?p=system

and choose your DAC, then reboot.

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Just fixed it (or: it fixed itself).... no idea how.... but powered up, playing web-radio, ok.
Next...: dab? I have 2 different generation RTL/.... dongles, with no response.
Installed plugin, shifted the dab-"knob". Does not do a "service-search"/no stations...
Joined 2002
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Dis-asembled & re-built, now working... -some hardware-problem/connection/..stuck electron...
Still no luck with dab.
How do I find/install other radios than Paradise?
dab-dongles: (picture)
EDIT: after 20+ min, sound dies again. I guess my R-PI is junk.
Suggestion on other (available) & compatible makes?


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