Puzzle with warmed up player....

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Have made some measurements and.....

The current drawn by the laser is within the specs (have the service-manual), and it reads allmost everything if it first manage to start......

The player have a +-10V supply feeding the (+ some other) opamp, and transistors driving the spindle-motor. This voltage is unregulated, and has a lot (0,5-1,5V) of ripple, and it is NOT +-10V!!!!!!
When measured with multimeter i got +15V -13V, and with my old oscilloscop I got allmot +17V, and - 15V.

One thing that is strange....when I feed the player a "difficult" CD it more often start playing it if I hold/ brake down the speed of the CD-spin a little. I can see the voltage to the motor increases when i touch the CD, and then it manage to start......

Don't know for sure, but it should be of no problem if I rebuild this supply to +-10V regulated (78xx) ???
The 78xx are not the best choice, but it is fast to implement......and compared to unregulated..........:smash:

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