Pumpkin preamp - ordered by Steen , official making thread

More hysterics :D

Alpha and beta look similar 'nuff, except beta seems built a bit better....


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Official Court Jester
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luvdunhill said:

yes, that's the one!

so, the cookbook says that for unbalanced inputs pins 1 and 3 must be tied together. If I were to say using something like this:


I should be okay, without resorting to tricks like Steen used?

after short looking at that schematic , I can see that's pretty much OK ...... hehe - in other words - I can't see anything wrong .

when you are dealing with MCS , I can't expect anything else
Official Court Jester
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luvdunhill said:

so, if one uses 2 cases, should I use a 6-conductor cable between the chassis, or 5? If I use 5, then would the not-so-star ground be in the psu chassis and the thermistor there as well?

ya know what ?

best way to do things is to keep Shunty near his adjacent Pumpie ;

if you must dislocate them in two cases - well , but try to keep shortest paths you can ....... even if you can with some sort of vertical (between top of lower case and bottom of upper case) connectors ;

anyway - you must have somewhat bigger decoupling caps on Pumpies in case that Shuntys are further .

but - one good thing in entire mess is that you can physically transfer central GND point (for each channel) from Shunty output - to Pumpie GND feeding point ........ so - , differently speaking , from one case to other .

is that answer you needed , or I'm missing something ?

( as usual :devily: )
Re: happy moonshiner ;)

Zen Mod said:

this pic especially for dutchie whale and frenchie in Vaterland :devilr:

Your BQ looks better than my new one ...

BTW For sure, I ll soon be as fat as Jacco - filling my belly with tons of andouillettes.

Sorry for OT , just to say hello from wine Paradise ...

ZM : french provider refuses to forward my mails to serbia :bawling: ... Thats the reason why you didnt got my reply.

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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Re: Re: happy moonshiner ;)

Manu said:

Your BQ looks better than my new one ...

BTW For sure, I ll soon be as fat as Jacco - filling my belly with tons of andouillettes.

Sorry for OT , just to say hello from wine Paradise ...

ZM : french provider refuses to forward my mails to serbia :bawling: ... Thats the reason why you didnt got my reply.


french dreky provider is a pooftah , certainly :clown:

doesn't matter - you get the point

kiss to Gorgeous
Joined 2004
Paid Member
My mind has been tainted forever by this thread.

I made the mistake of googling "andouillettes" and now I have this imaginary taste in my mouth that I cannot wash off (drek indeed)

Whatever language Choky is speaking, I am guessing vaterland is 'fatherland', but I still cannot figure out who the French person is.

ZM, how about some more BBQ pictures of andouillettes cooking on a stone :hot: :whazzat: :bigeyes: :clown:
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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twitchie said:
My mind has been tainted forever by this thread.

I made the mistake of googling "andouillettes" and now I have this imaginary taste in my mouth that I cannot wash off (drek indeed)

Whatever language Choky is speaking, I am guessing vaterland is 'fatherland', but I still cannot figure out who the French person is.

ZM, how about some more BBQ pictures of andouillettes cooking on a stone :hot: :whazzat: :bigeyes: :clown:

well - catch22(2) is :

2. I'm speaking Serbian ( Croatian and Bosnian , too :rofl: )

2. Manu is frenchy by birth and pride , and he's living ( and teachin'/preachin') French in Vienna , on Uni . that's not exactly Vaterland , but same language ;)
he's now on vacation , in his own Vaterland

2. besides these 3 languages , I'm laughing on Engrish and Schwabische , too ......... :clown:

I'm too lazy to find now stone BQ pic with sausages , but it's already somewhere in this very thread ........
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
almost forgot:

Ingrédients :

2 andouillettes par personne
1/2 bouteille de bourgogne aligoté
2 échalotes
crème fraîche

Préparation :

Préchauffez votre four à 210° - Th 7 pendant une vingtaine de minutes.

Tartinez vos andouillettes de moutarde, disposez les dans un plat en terre allant au four.

Hachez finement deux échalotes que vous répartirez sur les andouillettes.

Arrosez d'une demi bouteille de vin blanc aligoté.

Mettez le plat au four 45 minutes.

Disposez les andouillettes dans les assiettes, déglacez le plat avec deux cuillers de crème fraîche.

Ne laissez pas bouillir la sauce, nappez les andouillettes, servez très chaud... avec un aligoté.

Monsieur Pignous a adoré car c'est comme le gibier, je ne mange pas d'andouillettes,

et oui , personne n'est parfait.

Maintenant vous n'avais plus qu'a tester à votre tour, si vous voulez vous régaler!!!