Preparing for another huricane

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The Coasties didn't need to chase them off. . . . the sea conditions were superbly predicted by forecasts at least 3 days ahead. Nice work NOAA!
That's encouraging! Great Lakes maritime history has quite a few examples of shipping managers who decided to ride out a storm, or run ahead of a storm, or (at this time of year) get in one more run before the ice . . . and seamen died for the decision.
I'll chime in from the jersey shore...holy sh!t..... Never in my limited experience have I seen anything like this.....the lakes by my house became inlets for a few high tides. Luckily for us our house is ok. We have a wood stove for heat and I repaired two nonworking generators that are giving some comfort to 8 houses in our neighborhood. Seeing the number of people that have lost everything makes me feel lucky. Many of the affected people are not well off....I don't know how they will deal with this.
Although I live in orange county NY which was mostly spared from the full rath of sandy, seeing the destruction to the Jersy shore brought tears to my eyes as it was like some old friends had died .

I have many very fond memories visiting Seaside Heights and nearby Lavallett when I was younger. In later years I used to go salt water fishing out of Brielle, NJ.

Hopfully, the Jersey shore will be rebuilt to one degree or another.
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My brothers place is being re-build in record time. The guys came collected everything that was worth saving and stacked it. Then they cut/removed all the drywall 4' high and now fans are running.
They'll be re-installing soon, new walls, floors, etc.

I think it was a Mayor up there that said "we're getting 100 year storms - every 2 years". My brother's place took a bit hit, 3' water surge, turned everything upside down, found a kayak sicking thru his garage door (and much much more).
Be VERY careful of the kero heaters. They kill a lot of people from CO poising. They are for space heating VENTELATED spaces. Same with the propane heaters used on construction sites. Every year, some people put the generator in their garage or basement and gas themselves.

I told that to one guy who said he'd set one of those industrial heaters in the shed for a party, couldn't convince him that it was lethal "oh but the door was open" isn't a good enough excuse for me, the exhaust can still hang around. Those industrial heaters don't even have a catalytic converter... The worst part is that he acts pig headed and doesn't believe me just because I'm younger than him.

Never lost gas. Gas stove and matches. Last time, the entire town was out, so our FIOS went down. The cell tower batteries went down. ( No phones of any kind, no internet, no TV. I had to actually read a book. Good think I am of the older generation so I remember how.

Yay for independent systems! I've got a 6U aluminium rackmount roadcase project thats coming along nicely, everything that I own will go into it including a fully filtered mains power supply + 2x SLA Float chargers + 12v & 6v SLA batteries, "Hypnosis" TDA1543 DAC, multimeter, AM/FM radio and 1 watt audio amplifier with inbuilt speakers.

And a 4U Norco RPC-430 + 12TB of HDD storage (M4 ATX PSU, Core i3 2120T)

Which is practical because I get so many damn power outages here that its worthwhile doing.

Wish I could fit a good old fashioned miniature oscilloscope in there but a USB one does just as good.

Should come in pretty handy come next storm season.
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It was pretty much uneventful and we were outside watching the winds and talking with the neighbors during the quiet time inside the eye. When the eye wall reached the warm Atlantic water the entire sky turned black and very angry looking. We saw a nearly black wall of ugliness coming down the street towards us (the back side of the eye wall), turned and ran into our houses.


Love stories like that. And theres never a wide enough lens to capture it all on film!
Talked to a friend who lives in the Rockaways -- there was a lot of looting which went unreported in the press. One fellow had his generator stolen right in front of his eyes.

There are such things as walmart flash mobs:

I'd be much more concerned about flash mobs involving a suburb or home, I'm pro-gun ownership btw even though I live in Australia and I'm not allowed to own one. (And I don't), I think everyone who doesn't own a gun and lives in Australia is a complete idiot though.

I'd better keep quiet about this though, as politics aren't allowed on

So what have you guys done about the next hurricane to come next year? if there is going to be one?

I thought this thread would come alive with tons of ideas about DC power supplies, battery charging systems, projects involving many ideas for powering luxury items... etc, but nope!
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We like our trees, but they don't like us. The houses on the beach-front will be rebuilt on pilings. Those that were elevated few feet survived. Those which were built on a slab were dislodged into the bay!

I have heard that there was a worse storm in the very early 1800's -- it purportedly flooded Manhattan above Canal Street. In those days, however, the enormous oyster beds protected the city and the adjacent parts of NJ from some of the ravages of the typical Nor'easter.

People are really pitching in to help each other, a good thing.
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