Philips CD880 recap bom

I have taken my Philips cd880 from the attic in a case of cd nostalgia (and because I’m frustrated with the prices of vinyl nowadays). The player is 36 years old by now and stock condition.

The unit fires up and plays without problems really, although I find it a bit dull sounding.

Given it’s age, it’s probably a good time for a recap operation. Is there anybody who could share a BOM for a full recap?

Find the service manual. Identify the electrolytic capacitors. Visually inspect them. Get or borrow a capacitance/ESR meter. Measure the capacitors an replace them if needed (watch the polarity). If you haven't got access to a capacitor meter, just swap all of them.
Perhaps Nichicons and Elnas can remain.
yes... that's a consideration too... not sure if a failing cap could lead to some sort of catastrophic failure though?
Or if the sound quality is affected by slowly fading caps (as I said, I find it sounds a bit dull, but I don't know for sure whether this a flaw or the sound characteristic of the unit)
I have a Cambridge Audio DacMagic Plus, bought in Ebay as "defekt" in 2012. It is full of crappy chinese capacitors. I've measured it distorsion and features and ohhhh, 0.0005% distortion at 1Khz or so. No hum, all perfect. Do I have to replace all these crappy and old chinese capacitors?


It's your knowledge what you have to change, not old but good capacitors.