Pavel Dudek's (Upupa Epops) amplifiers II

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"There's also present the worst thing common to almost all DIY amps: output relay !!! "

My amp can deliver 450W into 4Ohms and peak currents of 40A. My speakers cost me $4k. I think I'll stick to using a relay on the amp output to protect my investment.

Do you have a better solution? Please show us.

(look at my words carefully: A better solution)
You could have thyristors which blow your fuses, the brutal way of protection.
Ohhhhhhh I have been misguided for the last 30 years doing DIY. DIY audio must not look good :(

And you absolutely MUST use very expensive “magic caps” (standard caps in a new oversized cans?) and resistors made of ferry hair (standard carbon resistors?) and then dip the whole circuit into snake oil for at least 24 hours before putting into a crappy chassis……. :rolleyes:

What’s the problem here ?

I agree that DIY doesn't necessary have to look bad. However, these visual frills are not free. It is not ok to make the DIY customers, purchasing the kits, to pay for the visual FX without knowing there's nothing functional (performance or reability wise) beyond those golden screws. This is in particular not ok when the golden screws are at the expense of using matching good electrical components.

I was tempted for a second to start discussing the DP222 schematic. I have experimented (theoretically and practically, I still have a few PCBs collecting dust in a junkbox :) ) with something very similar a long time ago and concluded it's actually nowhere better in objective performances than a classic (and much simpler) Self Blameless. Such a discussion, in particular having a business at stake, would though sooner or later slide (as it already happened above) towards the subjective 'good sound' rather than technical arguments. Not that there's anything wrong talking about the sound, but I find annoying that the same 'good sound' invokers are conveniently missing here the sound value of tibetan monks blessed caps and special 'audio' resistors.

If anybody could reveal the impact of the golden screws and prisms on the sound, and why is that more important than using better quality electrical components, I am open for discussions.
Just to quote my self;
I know you can buy the bare PCBs and assemble them your self. As a true DIYer you can just put them in a crappy chassis

These assembled units are just an offer to those without great mechanical skills and who doesn't wan't to look at crappy s*** while listening....

I don't think any member here over the years have been unable to notice your "pasion" for your circuit designs vs............ :)
Hello guys,

after long time I am here nice for me to see every well known names...;)
I can show you some pics and I hope that they will give you little bit pleasure...
Pavel :cool:
This was the thread about. Pavel wanted to show us something and I admire him for making such beautiful designs, but visually and technically. It's not rocket science but it's like when Apple make something. The whole package is nice. Gold plated screws are really nice and you could say that "it sounds better" but I know you, you are for good for that.
Gentleman, its you who make this place great, or not...
So don't complain about yourselves.
Bickering posts deleted, now lets get back on topic.

/Hugo :cop:

I can understand why mentioning the quality and density of technical content on this forum is considered "bickering". Also, understanding why so many valuable contributors ceased to contribute. Of course, this topic should not be removed, it's a valuable contribution to this forum.

Now, can anybody remind me what is the topic of this thread?
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Gentleman, its you who make this place great, or not...
So don't complain about yourselves.
Bickering posts deleted, now lets get back on topic.

Thanks Netlist :)
DIY should be fun. I can't remember how many threads I have unsubscribed over time due to the ridiculous and endless bickerings......:mad:

I'm not sure we see any further posts from Pavel in this thread after what has happend, however we can hope :)

Yes. Pavel wanted to show us his work, which I think is great a looking job.
I'm not very good at metal work, so I and many other fellow DIYers can get some good inspiration on how to put our treassures into nice chassis
- even with GOLDEN SCREWS :headshot:
I'm not very good at metal work, so I and many other fellow DIYers can get some good inspiration on how to put our treassures into nice chassis - even with GOLDEN SCREWS

Neither am I, and I'm struggling to understand how exactly are those pictures inspiring us on how to put our treasures into nice chassis.

Of course, other than feeling an urge to pull our wallets to purchase from already known chassis manufacturers and to get access to CNC and gold plating equipment. Or, of course, to purchase a full kit from other "DIYers". And then proudly enjoy gold plated mediocre audio performance.
Upupa and PMA discussing output stages :D


  • pma_upupa.jpg
    123.2 KB · Views: 983
Thanks pavel!


Thanks for sharing your work and inspiring those of us with that "itch for perfection". :rolleyes:

I know I will never be able to produce such nice looking boards / amps / chassis, but at least I know what is possible when you combine talent, knowledge, passion, dedication and patience (none of which I have). :D

Of course, other than feeling an urge to pull our wallets to purchase from already known chassis manufacturers and to get access to CNC and gold plating equipment

PMA is right.
You can get nice chassis at reasonable prices, and have the front plate engraved.
The chassis Pavel used to use (before going Stainless and gold :D) costs app. €104.00/$155.00 + shipping in Europe. The engraving can be done by (in your case).....
Not impossible to achieve if you save $k on your diy amp :)
PMA is right.
You can get nice chassis at reasonable prices, and have the front plate engraved.
The chassis Pavel used to use (before going Stainless and gold :D) costs app. €104.00/$155.00 + shipping in Europe. The engraving can be done by (in your case).....
Not impossible to achieve if you save $k on your diy amp :)

Been there, it's over $400 shipped and delivered here in Canada, before frontpanelexpress engravings costs. I prefer to put that kind of money towards quality, but then I don't sell stuff :rofl:

Now, if someone would find such a chassis supplier in NA, this would be indeed something worth sharing. I'm myself sick of the Bud Industries and Hammond overpriced crap.

P.S. OTOH, for anybody willing to get into chassis business, a brand new CNC router/milling machine with an over 600mm XY table sells for 8K (including the software). As long as nobody is doing it, I suppose it's not worth so...
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