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Enclosures and grab bags


For individuals to purchase required components one by one involves considerable expense and hazzle. I think you should consider offering complete sets as you are likely to get much better prices.

I would gladly pay MORE for a complete set than what I would have to pay for the individual pieces. If you don't do this, I am afraid someone else will and take that profit alternative from you.

Then again, there is the logistics aspect ...

From experience, enclosures is a big problem, particularly for power amps. Nobody makes enclosures as sexy as the Pass units (ref the larger X-series power amps as well as the X-series pre-amps). How about offering some type of enclosure for power amps (just make sure it looks good, unlike the X-250 due to the laws-of-physics defying orientation of the heatsinks!)? Don't tell me it will be too expensive -- you don't know what I spent on my home built enclosures!

Simple sheet metal enclosures--such as Hafler used to provide--would be adequate and relatively inexpensive. Granted, they wouldn't have the zowie factor of the full-blown Pass Labs product, but they'd get the job done.
Perhaps they could be offered as an option. Buy the basic circuit and house it yourself, or buy it with the chassis. I imagine most would opt for the box.
For what it's worth, I kinda liked the Aleph esthetic. Form follows function.

I'm glad you brought up the subject of "buying a complete kit". I believe that was my first question on my first post here on this forum (somewhere). I also agree that I don't mind paying for someone's effort to gather all the parts together. Speaking for myself, after 3 months, I still have not received all the parts to built my Balance Line Stage Pre-Amp.
I know there are a lot of DIY out there but what about those people who just want to built the amp/pre-amp quickly and not want to spent all the time and effort to find the parts or doing all those case drilling. I just hope or somebody would offer complete kits with enclosures. I would like to built a lot more stuff designed by Mr. Pass in the future because they sounds pretty good.
DIY Mania!

I would say there are a LOT of companies online selling thier units as a complete kit as the likes of (Sonic Frontier - Parts Connection). There's nothing wrong with selling kits if that's all you want.

The benefits of making things from scratch is it allows for further R&D of different materials thus making each unit "unique". Not to mention that some DIYers like to go beyond the normal means that generic company's would never think of doing. (I do like giant size heatsinks) - thus end result being a better product than what any complete kit would of resulted.
On my last sentence, I should have added " .......... and with very few parts because the design looks so simple". I'm very aware of Sonic Frontier, Borboley (sp?) and others that sells complete kits but have you look at the parts count - thousands!! I have no interest in those - I'll rather buy than built to have to spend that kind of money on kits. Kits with one output transistor (e.g. SOZ) and sounds good too (from what I read so far on this forum) gets me excited. has indicated that there will be many more variation of the ZEN amps (low parts count too) that will be publish in the coming months. I would like to built some of those - hopefully be able to buy them in complete kits.
Heatsinks are one thing, cases another

Sorry to go on and on with this, but for power amps, a thermally good COMPLETE HEATSINK WITH BOX PACKAGE with good finish would be most useful. Most of what I have seen in the market is of low quality, thermally impractical or or made out of the wrong materials (Iron/steel).

I kind of like hardwiring, so matching PCB's are not necessary for me. I don't mind doing internal machining for mounting components either as long as the box has good finish.

I also forgot to say that the larger Aleph's are also extremely beautiful ... The '3 is too small for home building (it would be a logistical nightmare for a beginner to be so constrained with space. So two thumbs up for Passlabs have two of the most exciting visual designs out there (X and Aleph).

I would not personally be happy with a Volksamp unit for a homegrown project given the orientation of the heatsinks which just kills me to look at.

diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Classy Chassis

The Plitron folks who supply transformers for many of our projects
also show a tube type chassis that looks gorgeous.
It's $200, but huge, made of 1/8" aluminum with a 3/8 alu anodized faceplate. For Pass projects, the heatsinks can be mounted where the tubes were intended to mount. The chassis
is unpunched. I haven't asked if they are truly available, but they
look like a bargain at the price, albeit not cheap

Hi Nelson,

Along with all the other thanks ....... DITTO.

To some others, I think we need to be just a little cautious of asking too much from Nelson. "A complete kit, with the original sinks and a machined case" ..... is an original amplifier, albeit in kit form.

I never cease to be amazed by NP's intellectual generosity. I don't want to kurb people's enthusiam. I do think we need to retain some respect for the commercial side of Nelson's business and simply accept (graciously) whatever he is happy to share.

cheers, mark
i wouldnt even consider asking nelson for a complete kit as to make it fair on the rest of his customers and to keep some sort of profit margin he would probably have to charge a small fortune for the kit ... anyway, a reckon a complete kit takes the fun out of diy..... PCB patterns / overlays are really handy and i guess he could sell these but the risk of someone buying them simply to rip Nelson off would then be rather high i guess.... all said and done i think Nelson does a fantastic job and i can only thank him for his generous nature toward the diy population......

But boy it's hard to beat the look of his X-1000 heatsinks ... any chance i could buy 2 dozen of them off you Nelson?
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Keep in mind that one of the reasons that we search all over the web for surplus heatsinks is that they are normally obscenely expensive. I was able to find huge heatsinks, I just couldn't pay hundreds of dollars for them (need I mention I am making a SOZ!)
I finally found some surplus ones that will prob work.
pearl riaa modification

I have finished my pearl phono stage. fantastic quiet clear musical! thanks

now starts the tinkering.

question, can i eliminate the riaa passive stage and get more gain? without overworking either of the active stages? I am gonna do an active x-over next and like to economize signal stages by combining all filtering at one point?
Ummm...not to be picky, but if you eliminate the RIAA, it won't be a phono stage anymore...
I haven't fiddled with the Pearl, but generally speaking, RIAA EQ costs about 25 or 30 dB of gain. If you remove the EQ, the gain will pop up by that much (assuming that you don't start clipping the gain stages in the meantime). Having a preamp with 50 to 70 dB of gain might seem like fun, but what were you intending to do with it? Since the demise of onboard tape EQ years ago, the only thing that needs that kind of gain is a phono cartridge.
If you were thinking of doing a triamp system based on the phono turnover points, you've got your work cut out for you. In theory, it can be done, but I've never actually heard a system built along those lines. Before proceeding, your best starting point will be to select drivers that can effectively cover the frequency ranges that you want to cover, then work backwards. Plan on a lot of late nights, getting the details worked out.

pearl riaa modification

Schatz and Grey,

On the suject of more gain for the Pearl Wayne (of Pass fame) has suggested to duplicate the 1st stage as a pre preamp and alter the gain.

"You could build the first gain stage of the pearl again for a pre preamp but use about 375 Ohms for a collector resistor instead of 1 K."

This is what I propose to do, or alternatively you could make a BOSOZ stage following the Pearl for balanced output with additional gain.

best regards

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